The Past

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-Back in 1996-

"Ronald, I know it's Harry and Lyra but they never leave this long without telling us. It's been 3 days!" Hermione exclaimed as she dragged Ron around Hogwarts looking for them.

Time must have moved slower for Hermione and Ron cause right now in 1976 Harry and Lyra were sitting in the common room curled up on a couch reading, Lyra Hogwarts; A History, and Harry a book on quidditch. Lyra and Harry had been there for 3 weeks.

"'Mione, calm down, you know how love birds get," Ron winced, regretting it as soon as he said it.

"Come on Ron, they might be a little thick sometimes but they wouldn't just leave. Especially with Voldemort and everything."

"I know, I know. But they both lost something recently and I know Harry was not doing alright, he kept calling for Sirius in his sleep."

"Same with Lyra," Hermione whispered,

"Maybe they are just taking a break for a bit. In a couple of days if they are still not back we will  go and talk with Dumbledore."


Lyra and Harry were sitting in the common room, curled up on the couch. The common room was quiet -not that it lasted long- but there was a question that was hanging between the two of them. "Do you think we will ever make it back?" Lyra asked quietly 

Harry who was reading -surprisingly- looked up from his book "I don't know, Dumbledore is a great man. I'm sure it will be fine and if not who knows maybe there will be a good reason for us to stay here." he said. Lyra scoffed luckily Harry did not hear it. It's not that she hated Dumbledore, but he does do stuff that Lyra questions sometimes.  

 The Marauders walked into the common room, they were laughing and having fun. It had been a long time since the two of them had seen Remus and Sirius having fun. Back in their time, well Sirius was dead but when he was alive there was always a haunted look in his eyes, Remus on the other hand now kept to himself and only talked to Lyra.   

The two greeted the marauders. Remus and Sirius were bickering about something. "You guys bicker like an old married couple," Lyra laughed 

Remus blushed crimson red, Sirius though seemed unfazed "W-well I- um" Remus couldn't make out a proper word. 

"Woah, Ly. You're getting ahead of yourself!" Lyra raised an eyebrow at Sirius "We have to go on a date first, obviously." Sirius turned to Remus "What do say Moony? Go to Hogsmeade with me, this weekend." Sirius looked very confident but from what her Papa told her when he asked out her Dad, he was scared shitless!

Everyone went quiet, the couple of kids that were playing cheese in the corner looked up from their game. Nobody uddered a word, everyone was shocked. Who would have thought, Sirius Black, The Sirius Black would ask anybody out, normally he would just shag the person a couple of times.  Remus also didn't say anything, he just needed a push. 

"Remus, say yes!" Lyra whispered-yelled, 

Remus launched himself at Sirius and hugged him. He whispered something incoherent to everyone else. But by the look on Sirius's face, it seemed as though it was positive.  

The room went back to how they were. But James...he was jumping around like Christmas had come early. "Finally, oh yes!" he went up and hugged both of them "Good job Mate." clapping Sirius on the shoulder 

"You know your mum is going to get wind of this date and is going to throw a fit," Remus said when James finally calmed down, I think he ships wolfstar just as much me and I'm a huge fan! Lyra chuckled to herself. 

"Yeah probably even send me a howler, maybe even somehow try to get me in Azkaban for my 'sins'," Sirius rolled his eyes, "Don't worry I'm too good for Azkaban." flipping his hair over his shoulder, everyone laughed except Lyra and Harry who visibly frowned. 

Lyra looked close to tears, the words Azkaban and Sirius were forbidden to be said in the same sentence around her.  "Excuse me," she mumbled and left the through the portrait hole. Harry followed her out. 

They just walked, once they reached an empty classroom Lyra broke down. Lyra cried as Harry held her in his arms and rubbed her back soothingly.

 "I'm going to kill him!" Lyra said when she finished crying,  

"Who?" She truly loved him but sometimes he can be real thick! 

"Who else?! That rat!" 

"You know we can't do that, I would like to change things just as much as you. But you know not to mess with time" he said quietly 

"We will figure it out when it comes. I'll push him down the stairs maybe he'll break his neck and it might look like an accident."  

"Love, you know we can't do that" 

"I know, I know." She closed her eyes "I just got him back and he's gone again. That fucking bastard fucked up our lives. He killed them, Harry, he made my papa go to Azkaban and he left my dad alone to raise a one-year-old by himself." she screamed. By now she was in hysterics between a cry and a laugh that sound uncannily like Bellatrix's. "Why does bad stuff always happen to good people?"

"I don't know, love. I really don't know."

They sat there both holding each other, both unaware that 3 boys -a werewolf, a boy with beautiful grey eyes and one with unruly raven coloured hair- were huddled under an invisibility cloak heard the whole exchange.  

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