The Family

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-20 years later, After the war-

"James, Remus, Lily, hurry up we are going to be late!" Their mother -Lyra Potter- shouted.

It has been 20 years since the war. They lost so many including Lyra's dad -Remus-, Fred, Tonks, Moody, Snape, Dumbledore, but finally, after many years Lyra and Harry settled down to have a family. After the war, Lyra and Harry had been able to travel the world like they said, to get away from London for some time, they lived in Thailand for a bit, before travelling to France, Greece, Iceland, Canada.

Lyra had then gone back to school along with Hermione, well Harry and Ron become Aurora's. After Lyra and Hermione graduated, Hermione went into the ministry well Lyra went and played professional quidditch with the Holyhead Harpies along with Ginny Weasley now known as Ginny Weasley-Lovegood. Though Lyra soon had to stop due to being pregnant with James and Remus. She now worked at the Ministry of Magic on werewolf rights along with Hermione on S.P.E.W.

"Coming mum." Her kids shouted.

James Sirius Potter and Remus Regulus Potter were twins (the gene ran through her Dad's side) they were the oldest, they were going into their 3rd year both Slytherins. They looked almost carbon copies of their dad, they had Lyra's eyes though; a beautiful grey almost blue. But they definitely took after their namesake, they were pranking machines, and Lyra and Harry weren't even angry; what did they expect after all they were named after the marauders.

Lily Minerva Potter, she was the youngest Potter, she was going into her 1st year. You would hope that being named after Lily Evans Potter she would also take her namesake but that was not the case. She was the devil in disguise, just like her mother Harry would say. She had beautiful brown almost red hair, and very stunning green eyes. The one thing she did take after was her love for books much like her Grandma Lily and Grandfather Remus.

"Do you have everything?" Lyra asked her kids.

"Yes, mum! You've asked-" James said exasperated,

"-us about 10 times already." Remus continued, their mum was about to ask another question but her sons interrupted her.

"And yes we have our toothbrushes!" they said together,

Harry came into the room carrying all their trunks. "Alright James, Remus grab my arm, Lily darling you grab your mothers." They all apperated to King's Crossing station Platform 9 3/4.

"Uhh, I hated that," James said trying to leave as quickly as he could before his mother smothered him and his brother in kisses.

"Ah, not so fast boys!" They were out of luck. She pulled them into a big bear hug and kissed the top of their head. She lowered her voice "Now I want you to do as many pranks as you can, but the goal this year is to not get caught, do you understand." They smiled and nodded their heads. "Perfect,"

"Take care of your sister, we will be coming to your first quidditch game, be ready!" Their dad said pulling them into hugs.

"Yes, yes dad we know. Go Slytherin." Their parents grumbled, they didn't hate them being in Slytherin, they were perfectly okay with it, but they were still Gryffindors through and through. "We love you!" They shouted as they made their way to the train.

As soon as the twins were out of sight Harry turned to his daughter, "Now I need you to take care of your brothers, make sure they don't do anything stupid." She fake saluted her father.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" she said earning a chuckle from her parents.

"But Lily, have a fun time, prank the boys!" Lyra encouraged "We love you, honey."

"LYRA!!" Lyra turned away from her daughter to see who was calling her name.


"Ahh, it's so good to see you!"

"It's been like forever!"

Ron, her husband, came up with a huge smile on his face and pulled Lyra into a hug, then Harry. "It really hasn't. It's been, what half a week?"

"Lily," Lily saw her best friend, Rose Granger-Weasley.

"Rose," she squealed. Rose pulled her onto the train "Love you, mum. Love you, Dad." she hollered over her shoulder.

"I love you Hugo, see you at Christmas." Rose said to her brother, Hugo Granger-Weasley, the youngest child of Ron and Hermione. He was still 9 and couldn't go for another 2 years. As Lily and Rose were getting on the train they met with their other best friend, Pandora Weasley-Lovegood.

"All my babies are gone, they're growing up." Harry pulled her into a hug "The house will be so quiet."

He chuckled "I know. I can't believe we did it! Just like we said 20 some-odd years ago-"

"-or was it 40? Seeing as we were in 1976-"

"-We did it, we made it."

"We made it." she whispered "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Always and Forever," they said together.


A/N. That was so fun to write, the number of nights I imagined this happening! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for everything.

xoxo MJ

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