The Return

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"I can't believe it!" James exclaimed "My son, the youngest Seeker in over a century? Brilliant!"

"But my daughter the youngest Chaser in over a century? Wow!"

Harry and Lyra had told them about their Quidditch adventures. To say James and Sirius were excited was an understatement. "So how you to meet was true?" Lily asked.

"Yes," Lyra laughed, "There was a troll, Harry and our friend Ron Weasley saved Me and Hermione. And this one" she shot Harry a look "just couldn't leave me alone. What is it with Potter's am I right?"

Lily laughed. She was leaning against James everyone noticed, but nobody commented. James was positively beaming. Lyra knew Lily liked James but was just too scared to admit her feelings.

"Harry and I have to go in the morning," Lyra said gloomily "I'm feeling very tired, I just wanted to say thank you."

"Thank you?"

"Well yeah. One for giving me life," all the parents blushed, "and for maybe not being there be but being there. You know what I mean?"

"No," they all chorused,

"It's okay, most of the time I've got no idea what she's talking about." Harry chuckled. He pulled Lyra up with him and they walked to the door. "Thank you."

The couple walked out the door. They walked to the Gryffindor common room in comfortable silence. They reached the common room and walked through the portrait hole. They walked up to the dorms, Harry grabbed Lyra's arm. "I'm happy we did that,"

"I know. So am I. I'm happy you got it meet your parents. Lily is amazing, James as well I guess," she chuckled.

"Did you see the way they were cozying up with each other? How many people can say they got their parents together?"

She laughed quietly "Yeah. It's getting late, and we have to go tomorrow." her voice wavered at the end.

"I love you so much Lyra Hope Lupin-Black. Someday Potter."

"Someday, huh?" Harry laughed "I love you so much, Harry James Potter."

They kissed a slow but with much passion. Even if they didn't know what was going to happen in years to come they had each other. Always and Forever.


The next morning Lyra woke up with the sun streaming through the drapes of her four-poster bed. She stared at the ceiling, just thinking. Thinking about the future. Thinking about her friends and family. Thinking about how her life got to this point. But to be honest, she would not change it, yeah the war sucked but at least it sucked with the people she loved.

She got out of bed and made her way to the washroom and looked in the mirror, she looked like shit. She spent a good portion of the night crying. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Today was the day.

She walked to the common room, nobody was there except, a boy with extremely messy raven hair that she knew all too well. "Good morning." Harry jumped "What are you doing up so early?" She sat down and curled up beside him.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Couldn't sleep." He nodded.

They just laid with each other, they didn't need much talking between each other. People started to wake up, soon after the marauders came down soon followed by Lily and the other girls.

"Well let's go down, I'm famished!" Sirius exclaimed, too loud for this early in the morning. Lyra jumped off the couch.

"I'll race you, the last one there has to do a dare of," she looked around the room "Remus's choice! Ready Black?"

"Always, Lupin-Black. On Go, Three, Two, One" Lyra already started "Hey! I never said go!"

The others laughed, Lily dragged Harry out the portrait hole. They started talking about each other and their lives.

That left Remus and James, they walked behind everyone. "Moony, we get them in the end. You get Sirius and I get Lily!" He sighed,

"It's still hard to wrap my head around, I've got a daughter. A-and she's not like me," he had the brightest smile on his face. He was going to have a family albeit not long but it will turn out. "And she has a boyfriend already! A Potter!"

"Oi!" Remus laughed, he couldn't care less who she was dating as long as they made her happy, well maybe not Snivellus's heir, if he ever got one.

The rest of the morning was spent with family and laughter. Which Lyra and Harry had not spent doing in a long time. But all good things have to come to an end. The 3 marauders and Lily and the time travellers made their way up to the headmaster's office. They reached the gargoyle. Sugar quills. They walked up the stairs and knocked. "Enter."

"Hello Headmaster" "Hello Dumbles" Was coursed out of the 6 of them, Remus and Lily glared, James, Sirius and Lyra received the end of them.

"I assume you're here for your trip back."

"Yes Sir. We also told our parents about us." Harry said,

"Ah, I see, we'll have to modify their memories after you leave, for now, you can say your goodbyes." Lyra and Harry who were in the front hugged their parents.

"I'm going to miss you guys, even though you're still alive dad you're not the same, I'll miss you so much. I love you Dad, Papa!"

Sirius was shocked, he'd never been told that someone truly loved him. It only made him hug even harder. Remus was just happy to spend time with his daughter.

"I'll miss you, Mum and Dad! I love guys."

"We are so proud of you son. We are very proud to call you our son. You scored a lucky witch. Treat her well. Or your mother will come from her grave and personally yell at you."

"It's true, I will."

"Thank you. For everything!" Harry murmured into his mom's hair. A tear escaped his eye.

"Ready?" Dumbledore's voice brought Lyra and Harry out of their hugs, they nodded their heads. "I will give you a time-turner, Professor McGonagall modified it. 20 turns should do the trick. Safe travels."

The couple looked at their parents, sad smiles on every one of their faces. Lyra wrapped the time-turn around the neck of the two and began to spin the dials "...18...19...20" The whole room began to spin, it felt like apperating yet more nauseating -if that's even possible-. 

And then it stopped, and they were back. Just like that.

They looked around the room, they were still in the headmaster's office yet he was not there. It must be dinner Lyra thought "Come, let's go to the Great Hall."

They walked along the corridors, they were completely empty. They reached the great hall, they pushed opens the doors. Everyone was having dinner. The hall went silent, wind must have gotten around that the two were missing. They made their way to seat bedside Ron and Hermione. Hermione looked furious for leaving her, and Ron had his eyes narrowed yet he was still eating.

"Where were you?" Hermione asked, by now the whole school had gone back to their eating.

"We never left." Harry answer with an amused grin


"We'll tell you later." Lyra and Harry shared an amused look.

They totally were not ready for what had happened. But through the whole thing, they had each other.  

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