The Destination

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1976 -Remus-

The Marauders were sitting at the Gryffindor table waiting for Dumbledore to make his speech. Remus Lupin was currently sitting reading his book well James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew were talking about the next prank they could pull.

"So Moony what are you reading?" Sirius pulled the book out of Remus's hands.

"Oi! Give it back," Remus was trying really hard to keep his blush down, Sirius would always tease him about reading. But nobody knew except Lily Evans that he liked Sirius. He was worried that it would mess up their friendship and also that fact that there was no way in hell that The Sirius Black, The lady's man could ever like him. "I was just in the middle of the page, I don't know where I left off!" Sure he liked Sirius but he could be a real git sometimes.

"No, I was thin-" Sirius was interrupted by Headmaster Dumbledore.

"So good to see you all this fine evening, hope you all enjoyed your classes today," groans rung in the dining hall. "Well, I don't want to keep you lot waiting. Tuck in."

Food appeared on the table. "So Evans, you're looking stunning as ever! How about you, me-" James Potter started but was cut off right away by Lily.

"Potter, I have told you millions of times. No. So what makes you think that I would say yes now?" Annoyance was clearly written all over her face and in her voice. James would ask her out every single week once or twice since they started at Hogwarts.

"But just give me a chance," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "it could be amazing, you-" James was interrupted again.


Remus knew full well that Lily liked James but was too proud to say it. "So anyways about this new prank, I was thinking we could do all of Slytherins. Change all their robs to the rainbow you know 'cause it would totally throw off their brooding vibe?"

"Yes, I like rainbows we could do that. Tomorrow?"

Sirius squealed and clapped his hands like a child "Perfect!"

Remus was now getting slightly annoyed, Sirius still holding the book out of arms reach "Padfoot, give the book back."


"What is it?" Harry asked slightly alarmed.

"Look," Lyra nudged Harry's arm in the direction of the Marauder's. "I'm pretty sure that last I checked they did not go to the school."

Lyra was slightly panicking. One, she is seeing her dead dad and two what are they supposed to do now, they could be changing so many things.

"We have to go to Professor Dumbledore, I don't know much about time travel but enough to know that from Back to the Future that messing with time travel is not good." The only other time that Lyra and Harry had time travel was back in 3rd year but that was only hours this is decades.

Lyra walked up to the head table, aware of the eyes on her. "Hello Headmaster, I've got a really important matter and I was wondering if we," Lyra pointed at Harry, who waved awkwardly "could have a word."

"Yes, Miss...?"

"White, Lyra White." She knew that a bad thing could happen if people knew her real name.

"Yes. I believe you know the way to my office. I'm in the mood for licorice snaps, I'll meet you there soon."

"Thank you, Headmaster," Lyra walked back to Harry "Let's go." She grabbed his hand.

"Well, what did he say?" He said rather impatiently.

"He said he would meet us at his office." They walked the rest of the way to the Headmaster's office in comfortable silence.

"Licorice snaps." The gargoyle at the bottom of the stairs slowly moved to reveal the stairs. They trudge up the stairs and knocked.

"Enter." they heard through the doors, they walked in. "So Miss White what is it you would like to talk about?"

Lyra and Harry made their way to the chairs in front of the desk. "Professor, early today we had a little accident and it involved breaking a time-turner and somehow we arrived here and I know enough about time travel not to mess with it, but we don't know how to get back," Harry explained.

"Well I'll have to talk to some of our other professors, but I believe we will be able
to find a way for you to get back. However, it will take time to modify a time-turner. But Miss White, is that really your name?"

"No professor, it's Lupin-Black. My parents are Remus Lupin and Sirius Black"

"Ah! It seems I owe Minerva 10 gallons, And your's," he moved his eyes to Harry.

"Potter, Harry Potter, my parents are James Potter and Lily Evans, Sir."

"Good, now Minerva owes me butterbeer," Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

"I think it's best if you keep your identities to yourself, and I assume you are both in Gryffindor," he looked down at their robes. "Good, I think you know where your common room is." They nodded "We will say that you both form Beauxbatons."

"Thank you, Professor," they made their way out of the door and walked to the common room.

"This is going to be strange, you know meeting our younger parents' selves. But I'm glad I'll be able to meet my parents even if it one interaction, I'll be okay." Harry told Lyra while grabbing her hand.

"We'll do it-"

"-Together." They squeezed each other's hands. 

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