The Furry Little Problem

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It's been a couple of weeks that they've been in 1976. They were able to switch the maps, they duplicated it then modified the copied version and changed the names. 

Lyra had been spending more time with the girls and she had to be honest, it was a different kind of fun than hanging out with Ron and Hermione and Weasley twins. Lyra and the girls would gossip a lot, giggle about boys, bake random foods in the kitchen without someone talking about S.P.E.W (Don't get Lyra wrong she doesn't think elves should be treated the way they do, but it's their job to help people.) Also, she got to hang out with the marauders, they pulled many pranks and snuck around the castle through secret passageways.  

Harry on the other hand had been spending lots of time with the marauders. He has gotten to know more about his mom and dad, which he couldn't be happier. He also found it extremely hilarious how much James talked about Lily, asked out Lily, rejected by none other than Lily. But from all the story's future Sirius and Remus told him he knew it was only a matter of time. 

Lyra and Harry have been having a good time but the fact that they were not in the right time was constantly hanging over them. They have had a couple of close calls but it seems that it has been forgotten. Every Monday and Friday they would go to Dumbledore to see if they could come up with more ideas to send them back. And although the war was coming, the responsibility was not on Harry and Lyra, it was nice to have a break.

It was nearing the end of September and Lyra and Harry were on their way to DADA class. They made their way to the middle section and waited for class to start. This professor was better than the ones that they've had in the past -besides Lyra's dad of course- and she also showed no signs of wanting to kill Harry.

"What do you reckon will learn today?" Harry asked as he took out his books. People started to fill in. 

"I don't know, hopefully, something fun and not book work, " Lyra replied, just then their professor walked into the class.

"Hello, Class!"

"Hello, Professor Lockwood." The class replied in unison.

"Today we will be learning about werewolves, get your books out and turn to page 394," Lyra stiffened, this topic was sensitive to her. She was not a werewolf, it did not get passed down from her dad but she does still get very sick and moody a week leading up to the full moon.

"When I said that the curriculum changed I didn't know it was this much. We learned this stuff in our 3rd year, they are just learning it in their 6th?" She whispered to Harry.

"I don't know, by the looks on the other kid's faces it seems that they might have already learned this as well," whispered Harry,

"Professor, we have already learned about this." A Hufflepuff boy said from the back of the class, there were nods in agreement.

"I know but I want to know what your point of view is about them." The professor said slightly spitting the last word. Lyra was kinda shocked, there were people that didn't like werewolves (and for the most part they kept it to themselves) but now that they can openly talk about them, talk trash about them, she shook her head. "Who would like to go first?"

A Slytherin girl raised her hand "I don't think they are too bad, I just don't think I would be friends with one, their mood swings and all." Lyra scoffed 

"It not like you don't get mood swings." she mumbled under her breath.

"I think they are bad." Another kid said.

"I just don't care." There were many nods with that statement. Lyra was slowly losing it, with the full moon that was happening in a week her emotions were all over the place. Harry grabbed her hand to try to calm her, it was working but one kid ruined it all.

"I think they are monsters!" A kid in the far back. Lyra swivelled her head around so fast, she got a minor headache. She looked over to Remus, he was looking down at his hand, Sirius was trying to reassuring him that he was not a monster and whispering sweet nothings. She smiled slightly at the sight, but it disappeared. "Killers, all of them!"  

"How. Dare. You," she said low and threatening yet loud enough to be heard by the class "How dare you to say that!"

"It's true, they're an infection to the wizarding world." He spat "Everyone knows it too."

"What's your name?"

"McLaggen, Conner McLaggen." Of course, he was, I know where his son gets his stupidity from Lyra thought

"Listen here McLaggen, shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you! They are not all monsters, Fenrir Greyback? Yes, he is. But I know a werewolf and they are one of the nicest person I know." McLaggen was about to interrupt but Lyra continued,

 "Imagine, every bone in your body breaking, and if you can't I'll do it for you, but once it's all broken you can't think straight beacause you've lost all sense of mind! The wolf part of you takes over. Now think of this let's say hypothetically you were a werewolf, and you hurt someone but you don't remember doing it and you didn't have control over it and I accused you of it, what would you say? I didn't know, there was nothing I could do about it? " She said in a mocking voice "You see that is what werewolves have to go through every full moon, it's one day of every month, ONE DAY!" She raised her voice "Instead of saying they are all monsters, help them. Find ways that you can make it easier for them. Don't be a shithead!" 

Lyra grabbed her bag and walked to the door she turned around and looked at the Professor straight in the eye "I'm highly disappointed in you Professor, you knew that there were people that hated werewolves yet you brought up the topic even though we already knew it. You should have been the bigger person." And with that, she left the class with shocked class and impressed Marauder's. 

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