Chapter 1 - A Day in the Life of Spider-Man

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The opening credits begin, with a green colour theme. It recaps the events of the trilogy so far.

The Camera fades into New York City. Spider-Man swings into the camera. As he continues swinging, it plays in Slow Motion. Peter Parker says his narration.

 Peter Parker says his narration

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"Hey here we are again. People look up at me everyday, as their friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, the hero. Life sure has changed for good old Peter Parker. Working for Dr Connors and loving MJ. Citizens see me swinging through the streets nearly every day now. They think my life is a dream. I vow to never stop caring for Mary Jane, Aunt May and all the people in my life, I can't lose another one, not after Harry. My promise to Uncle Ben still stands, I've been given a gift and with great power comes great responsibility."

Spider-Man runs on the roof of a building and jumps down. He swings around the city and encounters some familiar small time villains from his rogue gallery. This is the beginning of a crime fighting montage.

Peter gets a call from his now official Police contact, Yuri Watanbe.

"Spider-Man, The Shocker has struck again, west eighty second street. He's after that Vibranium metal in a warehouse of some sort."

Peter replies, "I'm on it!"

Spider-Man, after swinging earlier, swings into a building and sticks on then jumps off and sees the Shocker in the street, standing in the middle of the road. Spider-Man lands in front of him as he shocks him with his glove. Spider-Man shoots a web at the shocking glove.

"Herman you're gonna hurt a lot of people this time!"

"The boss said I need the stuff or I'm dead. Leave before I hurt you." Spider-Man says, "Can't let you do that Shultz!"

Shocker rips out the webbing on his glove and shoots it at him. Spider-Man dodges it by jumping the air. Shocker shoots at a car which flies into Spider-Man. Peter dodges it, shoots a web at it shoots it back at him. It hits shocker and smashes him down to the ground.

Cut to a man in a loose purple costume by the name of The Prowler

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Cut to a man in a loose purple costume by the name of The Prowler.

He carries bags of cash as he sees Spider-Man swinging towards him

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He carries bags of cash as he sees Spider-Man swinging towards him. Prowler tries to use his poor quality grappling hooks that he made himself. He flies of the building and swings in the street. He smashes on top of a car. Spider-Man lands in front of him.

We transition to Silt-Man standing on a building. Helicopters fly above him. Stilt-Man kicks one of them, smashing it away. Spider-Man swings on the helicopter and lands in front of him. He spins a web at his legs and pulls as hard as he can, ragging Stilt-Man off the building.

Spider-Man swings past the camera as police drive up to Stilt- Man, who is the on the road, nearly as long as the street itself

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Spider-Man swings past the camera as police drive up to Stilt- Man, who is the on the road, nearly as long as the street itself. Captain Stacy gets out of the vehicle and shakes his head.

A giant truck drives on the street. On the back of it, there is a Rhino sign drawing.

While driving, an accident with another car happens and they crash. The back of the truck fully comes of and tumbles on the road as a swat team arrive on scene cautious of what we're about to find out is inside.

A Swat Team Member walks up to the back of the truck and stares at it. The Rhino smashes his hand out and crushes the officer. The Rhino smashes his way out revealing his full form.

Police arrive on scene and load there rifles at him.

"You put me in cage and I put you in coffin!" (The Rhino would have a very heavy Russian accent.)

The Police shoot at him but it is completely harmless as the bullets bounce off of his mechanical body armour he's wearing

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The Police shoot at him but it is completely harmless as the bullets bounce off of his mechanical body armour he's wearing.

He then pulls out two machine guns on the side of the armour and attempts to spray the team down, but it doesn't work. A web net has been spun in front protecting the officers.

Spider-Man arrives on scene and lands on the tipped over truck.

"Rhino? I thought you were locked up!" Rhino replies, "Let's just say some things changed!" Spider-Man replies, "Looks like I'm going to have to take you down like last time." The Rhino laughs, "I'd like to see you try insect."

The Rhino charges at Spider-Man. Spider-Man jumps on his head and lands on his feet behind him. Spider-Man spins webs at his feet. Spider-Man attaches the webs to amother streetlight, hanging him in the air. The Rhino screams at Spider-Man while he uses him as a punching bag jokingly.

"Stop it with this nonsense, Spider!"

Spider-Man then swings away.

Peter gets another call, "Spider-Man, there has been another robbery, from our old friend, you know, the other arachnid" Peter sighs, "I'll be there Yuri, just had to take down The Rhino." Yuri says, "He's back now too? The Ravencroft prison break must've let all these guys out in New York. I'll leave you too it."

Spider-Man swings through the streets until a man grabs him by the neck on a rooftop. He struggles to get out of the chokehold. After about 5 seconds, he breaks out and sees it's Taskmaster.

"Not you again!" Peter shouts.

(Taskmaster would have the same design as Spider-Man PS4

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(Taskmaster would have the same design as Spider-Man PS4.)

"Hello, spider." He says with his deep, threatening muffled voice. Spider-Man says, "What do you want from me." Taskmaster laughs, "Oh nothing, just a warning. You're biggest task will be very soon. Good luck." He then let's go and runs off before Peter can even get up.

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