Chapter 7 - Another Hero in Town

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That same night, we see a car with two people driving it. They hard turn around a street corner and arrive outside a bank. They load their shotguns and walk through the entrance. The two crooks slowly walk in and begin causing terror. The bank accountants panic as they unload the cash stored inside the counter.

The crooks laugh but then stop. They hear something suspicious, like they are not alone. They look around. They hear the noise again.

"Who's there!?"

He looks in front of him as someone lands. He holds his hands up and throws them back down sending a green shock wave through the building sending the criminals to the ground.

He walks out of the shadows.

We see the a sort of prototype version of the Mysterio costume. A dented silver dome head with a stained green cape on the back of his silver outfit.

 A dented silver dome head with a stained green cape on the back of his silver outfit

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(Sort of like this look in FFH.)

Spider-Man swings over to building and perches over the ledge to see all the commotion. People clap the mysterious man as he shoots a grappling hook above him to an office room. He climbs through the window and into the room.

Quintin Beck pulls back a curtain. He has a Spider-Man outfit and a built set. The set is Spider-Man with money bags in his hands outside the bank, making him look like a criminal.

Quintin Beck's assistant walks out from the set. "I just got this finished for you sir." Mysterio takes off his dome head, but we don't see his face, just the back of his head as he stares at the set.

In the Daily Bugle, Jameson is looking at a TV playing a news story about this mysterious new superhero.

"Now this, this is a hero I can get on board with. He's so mysterious, just a mysterious guy, you know." Hoffman butts in, "Magician!" Jameson says, "Mysterio. Yes I like that, the Mysterio."

Peter walks in and gives in some photos of the villains that escaped Ravencroft battling it off against Spider-Man that Jameson had told him to capture.

"What is this, some kind of joke?" Peter says, "It's what you asked me for!" Jameson says, "I don't care! Get me photos of this guy everyone's talking about."

Jameson points at the TV playing a story about this mysterious news superhero.

"If you keep doing this work looks like Ben could take your staff job."

He points at the TV screen. Peter leaves as Jameson gets up and looks out of the window, "Oh my god, there he is!"

We see Mysterio handing in criminals to the police. He flies away. Jameson claps as he sits back down. After a bit of silence where Jameson lights his cigar, Mysterio surprisingly walks into his office.

"Oh my god here he is! Hoffman!" Hoffman says, "Yeah." But Hoffman's voice shoots up as he sees it is actually the real Mysterio in the Daily Bugle.

Quintin quieten downs Jameson and says, "If you want to live, put this in the paper for tomorrow." Jameson is handed a photo of Spider-Man with money bags in his hands and a piece of Paper, also with a headline.

"Web-Spinning Arachnid Caught Robbing Bank"

Peter now starts to think to himself that if Adrian was homeless, where could he have gotten his high tech quality Vulture costume? Who could've gave it to him, could there be a crime boss, underneath all this chaos.

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