Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of waves and feeling hungry. I look around and remember where I am. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I notice that Dallas isn't even in the boat anymore. I put my head in my hands and I can feel the tears falling and my breath quickening.

My shoulders start shaking as I cry. "Hey it's ok." I look at Dallas embarrassed for having been caught crying. I wipe the tears off my face. "Here. I figured you'd probably be hungry when you woke up." He hands me a banana. "Thanks." "Your welcome."

I eat the banana and it takes my hunger away a little bit. Enough for me to last maybe another hour or something. "Ok we need to check out this island and I don't really want to leave you alone so come on." He holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me up.

"Don't worry I have a pocket knife to protect us." I look at him confused. "Do you always have a pocket knife?" "Yes usually." "That's a bit weird but I'm thankful for your pocket knife right now. It can help us with making shelter later on today and making something to fish with because we can't always eat fruit, but right now let's focus on checking out the island."

We go inside the little jungle and just start walking along the sort of path. He's walking in front of me and I keep looking back every five seconds paranoid because I don't know what's in this jungle. Not far into our walk I hear water. "Do you hear that? It sounds like a waterfall."

We walk in the direction and sure enough there's a waterfall. We go down and walk to the lake part of it. It's really small and there seems to be no wildlife in it. "This is a good water sight but we'd have to purify the water first probably over a fire. Also it'd be good for bathing."

I nod. "Ok we've found a good water source do you wanna go back and try make a shelter." He looks at the water. "I kinda wanna swim." I roll my eyes. "How about you do that later please?" He sighs. "Fine." He makes no indication of moving so I grab his hand and drag him away. We go back and we get started.

For some reason Dallas knows how to make a shelter which is good cause I was just gonna wing it. "Ok you need to get my shoulders." I look at him in alarm. "Why?" "Because we need  that big branch up there but I can't reach it and I'm sure you could definitely reach it if you went on my shoulders."

I sigh. "It was such a bad idea to wear a dress to the party." He chuckles and bends down. I sigh and get on his shoulders. He stands up and hands me his pocket knife. "Can you see the branch I was talking about?" I look around and finally I find it. "Yeah." "Ok good." "Can you move slightly to the left and take a step forward." "Ok."

He does what I ordered then I start hacking away on the branch. Finally after what seems like forever it falls and Dallas and I cheer. He lets me down and sends me around the beach gathering small sticks and leaves. I also find myself lucky enough to find a flax plant.

I take some pieces off to use as rope to tie things together. I go back and find Dallas already working on it. I put down the things and he tells me what to do. Soon our shelter is done and I'm starting to feel thirsty.

"Dallas do you know how to make a fire?" "Yeah." "Can you make one I'm gonna get some water." He looks at me concerned. "By yourself?" I shrug. "It's only like five minutes." He nods.

"Ok I'll also make a little bowl with the flax." I go to the boat and I look in my little bag and find the plastic cup I put in my bag because I was too lazy to go to the bin. I take Dallas' pocket knife just in case. I walk in and make it there with absolutely no problem and get the water. 

When I'm walking back I hear a slight sound I turn around pocket knife ready but there's nothing there. I turn back around and then I see Dallas right there. I screech and almost drop the cup full of water.

"Jesus Dallas what are you doing?!" "Sorry I was worried. Are you ok though?" I nod. "I thought I heard a sound but there's nothing there so I'm fine." "Ok come on." We walk back to our shelter. I put the water in the flax bowl which is already above the fire on some sticks.

"Now we just wait." Dallas makes a spear out of a large branch with his pocket knife and I just lay down wishing I wasn't here and that instead both of us we were with the others.

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