chapter 1:

34 3 7

The list of the kingdoms and their powers:

Exo-ls - water benders

Armys - metal benders

Blinks - invisibility and speed

Once - multiply and divide themselves

Stays - teleportation

iGOT7 -  air benders

NCTZENS - shapeshifting

Reveluv - Cupids?

Aroha - astrology

Carat - control ores :D

Fantasy - illusion

Midzy - manipulation

Abnew -  sixth sense

Miracle - language of the animals

Melodys - sound manipulation

My Day - visions

Forever - sharp shooting

Ikonic - fire manipulation

WIZ*ONE- Weather manipulation

MeU- electrical manipulation

Hidden Kard - visions

Orbits - Gravity manipulation

Black rose - stamina drain

Wannable- psychometry

Moomoo - earth manipulation

Multis - they can learn many powers at the same time. Most multis don't go out to learn something new and they don't travel and they end up sticking to their own place and learning powers from there. Some do move and learn and they are known as the Ultramultis. 

Antis - they all are normal villagers that live on one edge of the world. They choose not to interact with the kingdoms and they kill whoever comes into their territory unless it is another anti. Their powers are precision.

Toxics - they believe that one can only belong in one kingdom and fight with whom we know as multis. They usually devote themselves to the rulers of their kingdom and serve the rulers. They are usually one of the first people to find out news about the kingdoms and multis entering the kingdoms. That is one of the many reasons they devote themselves to the rulers.


Sophie (multi but stays in stay kingdom) 

Bhavishya (multi but stays in midzy kingdom) manipulation

Jayden Mark (army but powerless) auxiliary and Shi

Meenakshi (multi but stays in blink kingdom) invisibility and speed

Julien (multi but stays in blink kingdom)

Now let's start the story. :D

Name: Sophie 

Age : 19

Birthday: 8 January

Height: 158cm

Kingdom : Stray kids 

Sophie yawned as she woke up and got hit in the head by a falling book. “What the hell?” she spat as she rubbed her head tiredly. There was a really fat pigeon sitting at the windowsill, screeching loudly. It probably knocked a book off the shelf.

She noticed a little scroll tied to the foot of the pigeon, and realised it was Carl Scrabbles the third, the loyal pigeon of her rich pen pal, Bhavishya.

She groaned as she untied the scroll and glared at Carl. “I would have eaten you if you weren’t a messenger from Bhavishya,” she snapped as she grabbed the terrified pigeon. She then placed it on the table and grabbed a brush, and started reading.

It was really strange. Bhavishya had written that her parents were travelling to the Army Kingdom, which seemed crazy because of how dangerous it was there. She sounded excited because her parents weren’t home.

Sophie’s parents were travelling somewhere. Who the hell knows where? And they chose to stay away from her. She was a Multi. That was a curse. 

She pulled on her fingerless gloves onto her scarred hands and wrote back, asking why she was so excited, before shooting a death glare at Carl and tying the scroll to it’s foot.

“Shoo, go! Before I actually cook you,” she grumbled as she got off her chair and kicked open her room door. She rented an apartment above a shop house, which paid her to hunt some something from the dense forest behind their village.

She pulled on her hood and cape which were red and black, and grabbed her bow and arrows. Her quiver was filled with many arrows, not because she bought them. She got the strange quiver which never seemed to run out of arrows. And she took her trusty compass.

She shut her eyes and muttered ‘teleport’ before she disappeared from the house and reappeared in the forest. Somewhere in the middle of the forest. She couldn’t get lost, due to the special compass every Stay was given at the age of 6, which always pointed to the direction of where the user wants to go. The compass also controlled where and how far someone could teleport. Without the compass, teleportation was impossible.

She looked around and narrowed her eyes as a potato flew overhead. Lifting her bow, and with a confused face, she shot the potato out of the sky. “What the hell?” she grunted as she plunged into the brambles and looked around for the potato.

She spotted the potato, with the arrow plunged in the middle. She was about to grab it when a small portal opened beneath the potato before it disappeared. “EH-” she gasped as she tightened the grip on her bow. “OI! COME OUT! HOW DID THE POTATO DO THAT?” she screamed. The potato was magical or something.

“WHO GOES THERE!” came a deep voice and Sophie shot an arrow in alarm. There was a bit of dolphin screaming before 2 boys about her age appeared. “Why must my day be so dramatic,” she grunted as she pressed her temples.

“Were you the one who shot an arrow into my POTATO?” screamed the taller boy. So he was dolphin voice.

“I mean, it was some crazy magical potato that flew through the air?” she replied awkwardly. “Do you seriously not know us?” rasped the deep voiced guy. "Well no? I actually don't,you do seem familiar though." she replied confused. 

The guy held out a strange badge, with the royal Stray Kids symbol on it. “You a guard from the palace or something???” she continued. He frowned and the ground gave way beneath her feet.

“WO-AH!” she screamed as she appeared on the Stray Kids castle grounds.

“YOU GUYS ARE THE PRINCES?” she yelled out in confusion as a few passing maids glanced at her in shock. The ground opened again and she was back in the forest. “Got it?” he asked. “Yes-no- what the hell are you doing here?” she yelled.

“What? This is the land we conquered and founded. Why would we not be able to be here?” he snapped as the dolphin voiced boy began crying over his potato. 

 "Oh well, I guess I forgot to do introductions, Sophie, Sophie Mao," She said as he held out a hand towards the boys.  

"My name's Prince Felix and he is Prince Jeongin," the prince pointed towards the dolphin voiced boy still weeping over his potato.  

The ground below Sophie started to open up again. "The other princes would love to meet a person who's never heard of them in her whole life," Prince Felix said, before she vanished into the ground. She didn’t bother screaming a second time. 

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