Masked Singers Comedy 4-The Crazy Boyfriends Club

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Frog:Welcome to the crazy boyfriends club ya'll...let's get started with our meeting.

Hedgehog:*Holding a chainsaw beside him with an evil look in his eyes.*

White Tiger:*Sharpening his claws*

Thingamajig:*Just sitting casually with a not so innocent look in his eyes*

Frog:Anything that ya'll would like to say?

Hedgehog:Keep that trap of yours shut or you'll be getting this chainsaw where the sun don't shine.


White Tiger:Hedgey was the very first member of this little club and has been here the longest.

Hedgehog:*Grabs White Tiger's throat* And you better not call me Hedgey, only my precious wifey Queen Bee can call me that and if you must know...I've always been a yandere since my youth.


*Hedgehog returns to his seat and looks at at portrait of his precious wifey*

Frog:Anyways, who makes you jealous when talking to your beloved???

White Tiger:You trying to talk to Kitty or Night Angel

Thingamajig:Anybody who tries talking to Nicole

Hedgehog:Anybody who even so much as sniffs in my wifey's direction!

Thingamajig:You really are the most psychopathic one here aren't you???

Hedgehog:Yes I am *Pets Thingamajig's fluffy head*

Thingamajig:*Blushes and becomes shy as his fur fluffs up*

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