Chapter 2

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Diana Hunter was angry, and that has never ended well before.

The first time she got angry, she accidentally destroyed the arena, nearly killing over half the camp. The only thing that saved them were the fact that she managed to calm down in time, otherwise, she would have been guilty of this crime for all her life. In fact, she still does feel guilty, but as a teenager, she never had complete control over her temper, often doing things she regretted. But it was over two years ago, and she has learned since then.

"Hunter!" Chiron called after her, "I hope that you would not stay angry for long, Camp Half-Blood does not require another mass earthquake, sometimes I admit, I wonder if you are a daughter of Poseidon."

"And be siblings with the only person that I could not stand, the hero that you praise? Percy Jackson? No thank you, Chiron, but I appreciate your guess because I am still unclaimed." Diana managed it in a way that only she could do, sarcasm dripping like the venom of a snake. Chiron merely grimaced, then turned away, she knew Diana had to calm down by herself.

The Unclaimed stalked off to the Archery Range and shook her hand twice, her bow, a sleek beautiful creature intertwined with precious metal, which appeared when called was given to her by her father, whom told her it was a present from her mother. Her mother... She was lost in thought at this mysterious goddess. She aimed at the target and shoot; it was slightly off to the side. Diana narrowed her eyes and aimed again, this time she used a long arrow, which was more alike to her own arrows. Bullseye. If you used a microscope, you would discover the arrow to be right in the middle of the target, not a centimetre away, nor a millimetre too far.

She walked back to the Big House, where she lived temporarily because her unique situation. The Hermes Cabin no longer accepted Unclaimed because all of them are claimed, that is, except for her.

She imagined that she was a daughter of Hera, but that lacked inspiration as Hera never had half-bloods. The Demeter girl's where too intent on plants and not fighting. She did not possess the stormy grey eyes of the Athena cabin, but had silver eyes when she was unhappy, like now. Artemis was a maiden goddess, true to her vow, and Aphrodite... She lacked even the courage to think of their make-up and all the dresses they wore, where she just preferred silver, black or green t-shirts and pants. But there was no more major goddess, she refused to allow herself to be a daughter of a minor goddess, no, she refused all possibility.

But who really is her mother?

She shook her head in frustration, knowing full well that her mother would claim her when she was ready, however, that doesn't mean that she was happy about it. Were the Gods not supposed to be bound to an oath?

Stupid Gods.

As though they heard her thought, the thunder rumbled in the distance, of course, it could also be someone swearing an oath on the River Styx at Camp Half-Blood, or someone offending the gods. Maybe not her, right?

She tried to remember why she was angry in the first place, and thought of one name.

Perseus Jackson.

The So-called Hero of Olympus.

She has to admit, she might be quite harsh towards him, well, very harsh, but it was all because of his mistake. His stupid mistake. But still, she did it partly to make herself feel better. Because she knew in her heart that it was her fault too.

She was lost in thought and fell into the lane of memories.


"Clarisse!" I shouted at her, "Why are you just so stubborn!"

"They are the ones who stole the chariot, unless they give it back, we are not going to fight!" Clarisse answered just as angrily, waving a fist to emphasis her point.

"Oh, so you think that letting everyone die is actually a good thing?" I lowered my voice, "Just so you can find an excuse not to fight your crush?"

"What on Earth are you talking about, Hunter?" She pushed me with a slight red tinge.

"Fine, if you don't want to fight, then don't. I would fight for my family." With that I stalked away.


"Clarisse, glad to see that you are back in the right mind." I smiled as I saw Clarisse in her armour charging towards the drakon. Perhaps we can win this after all.

I looked into her blue eyes, wait, blue? Clarisse's eyes are brown, not blue. I stopped in my tracks, looking at the person in the armour. She was thinner than Clarisse and the armour clanked a bit...


The realization came to me just as I heard Percy shout her name too.

I threw myself at her, ignoring the multiple shouts telling me to stop, but did not react in time. The drakon still managed to spit some of its acid on her.

"Silena!" I cried, falling to my knees next to her.

I faintly saw some Apollo kids fighting their way through the crowd, but it was too slow.

"Diana, look at me." She croaked.

"Silena, be quiet, the Apollo kids are coming." I shushed her, raising my head to see Percy guarding us.

"I... I'm sorry, he forced me to." And Silena opened her hand to reveal... a scythe charm?

"You are the... " I stumbled on the word, "You are the traitor?"

To say I was stunned was an understatement.

"At first, I did it because I thought Luke was right, but I wanted to stop and he..." Silena broke into tears, "He forced me to, or he would expose me." Silena wheezed as she took a shuddering breath.

"I'm sorry Diana, but please. Win this war for me." She smiled as she gently placed a hand on mine.

"Silena Beauregard!" Someone shouted, I knew with certainty it was Clarisse.

"You." I whirled on Percy, who was still standing open-mouthed at the charm in Silena's hand.

"How dare you make Silena go and persuade Clarisse?" I questioned, not caring if I sounded unreasonable.

"How dare you not order or at least tell them to give the chariot back? You know what your stupid judgement caused?" I pointed a shaking finger at Silena.

"This, just because you didn't want your friends to be wounded, emotionally. You decided to forget the Ares Cabin, and when they are needed, you expect them to come." I snarled, his expression went to guilty immediately,

"You are nothing better than a selfish, idiotic jerk." I screamed and left the battlefield.


She knew that even after all those years, the look in Silena's eyes would never fade. No, nor would she ever forgive the gods and Perseus.

They were supposed to be parent's, for Olympus' sake.

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