Chapter 16

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"My Lady?"

Diana snapped her head towards the me as I smirked slightly, watching her face glow a bit.

"Luke!" Diana called, stepping off her throne, "How are you?"

The smirk slid off my lips as I frowned.

"Diana..." I trailed off as I saw Diana collapse, falling against the wall, which was when I quickly ran forward, catching her before she slid onto the floor.

"Diana?" I asked, gently shaking her.

"Get off me!" Diana suddenly pushed me away and walked out of the door.

I watched in confusion and then what just happened hit me. She pushed me away, she left me, she abandoned me.


"My Lady?"

I grinned as I saw the figure leaning against the door, smirking at me.

"Luke!" I called, glad that he has finally came, "How are you?"

I saw him frown and furrowed his eye brows in a cut... never mind.

"Diana..." I missed what happened next, only the intense pain in my head, the blinding white flash I saw in front of my eyes, I collapsed as my eyes slowly turned silver.

No, I have to fight it, can I not even have a bit of time with my friend?

Friends are weaknesses Diana, and you can not have weaknesses. Mother hissed in my mind.

I saw a scene where I liked Luke, and when he left me, when he betrayed me, the despair overwhelmed me.

Then another, when he died, my powers growing out of control, killing everyone.

And more and more, each showing the horrors of what might happen.

But the last one, it depicted me as the victorious one, the one that everyone knows, being acknowledged, my fatal flaw, craving for attention.

And I made my decision.

I allowed my mother to take over, I watched as she pushed Luke away, saw in the corner of my eyes his tears, his confusion, and finally, his hurt expression.

Mother led me to my room, where I fell upon the bed, the doubt that has been there coming back again.

The gods were lying.

Still, who doesn't lie? Look at the stories, Gaia, lying to Ouranos to kill him, despite common belief, the reason she did it was because he was corrupt, then Kronos turned so too.

A corrupt leader, a corrupt person, is that what power does to people? Is that what I would become?

Deep down, I knew that would not be the case, for Mother would always be the main power, the one behind the scenes.

But I still worry, what would happen to me.


"The Plane? Are you asking me? You two," Clarisse jabbed her finger at Percy and Annabeth, pacing around, ", have disappeared for an hour, the plane left half an hour ago, what were you think, Prissy? That because of your family you can just leave your friends?"

Clarisse ranted on and on, Percy was slowly overwhelmed with shame, how could he leave the quest behind?

"Clarisse." Annabeth warned her as she sensed her boyfriend tensing up beneath her hand.

"Oh what? Star-crossed lovers of the two rivals sticking up for each other? Prissy, you just keep that emotion of yours in check..."

"Enough." Percy's voice was cold, emotionless even. Clarisse shut up as Percy glared his famous wolf-glare at her, "We should try our best to find another way to..."

"Hermes Express, at your service, would you happen to be Mr Jackson, Ms Chase, Mr Rodriguez and Ms La Rue?" A cheery tone asked them, with them turning around to see a jogger, tapping on his phone. He glanced up at them, winking at Percy.

Do you have any rats? Clarisse jumped at the 2 snakes wrapped around his phone.

George, you know that Percy doesn't bring rats around! Another snake reprimanded.

I should still ask, Martha, you know that Percy likes me the most... George drawled.

George! Martha growled and lunged at George, chasing him around the phone.

"That's it, you two are grounded." Hermes shook the phone, "Before you two get tangled up at all over again."

You really should ground us, there are rats on the ground.

George! He means that we can't speak, oops.

Come on, Martha, Hermes would never do that, Percy wouldn't allow it.

"Shut up!" Hermes pocketed the phone, "Anyways, you guys are the ones going to Greece?"

"Yes, cuz." Percy smirked as Hermes scowled.

"Cuz? You have been spending time with Apollo again?"

"No, cousin, I've been spending time with Hades, duh, who else." Percy rolled his eyes.

"Percy, I could vaporize you." Hermes threatened, wagging a finger.

"Yes, LORD Hermes." emphasising the Lord, dragging it out.

"Oh, you are hopeless." Hermes threw his hands up, "Do you want to go to Greece or not?"

"Lord Hermes, we would appreciate it if you would assist us." Annabeth bowed, elbowing Percy.

"Always the diplomatic one, Ms Chase? No need to bow, the formalities suck."

"Hermes! Have you spent too much time with Apollo?" Percy chided.

"Percy Jackson, I swear, I have no idea how Annabeth Chase puts up with you." Hermes narrowed his eyes.

I know. George's head popped out of Hermes' pocket.

Whack. George was slapped down by Hermes.

I'm sick, do you have a rat? A very muffled voice of George sounded.

"So, you guys coming?" Hermes addressed Clarisse and Chris, open-mouthed staring at Hermes and Percy's friendly banter.

"Yes, Lo..ord Her...rmes." Chris stuttered, still not used to the whole, friendly chat with an Olympian God, especially his dad, who never really talked to him and yet he was here joking around.

Hermes, you have 73 phone calls and messages, half of them are from Poseidon, concerning his son. Martha's head popped out. Fresh air at last.

"Ever the overprotective father, Percy?" Hermes joked as Percy blushed.

Why does Martha not get smacked down?

"Shut up." Hermes and Percy both groaned.

"Chris, how's life?" Hermes asked, patting Chris on the back, "Sorry that I wasn't there for you, messages and all that stuff, but I put a word with good old Mr D asking him to help."

"Thanks dad, I... I understand, but he didn't." Chris stared at the ground, thinking of his half brother.

"So that makes you my what? Nephew or something?" Percy jumped in, trying to pull the attention away from Luke, which was making Hermes' face darken pretty quickly.

"Perseus Jackson, we do not figure out the logistics of the godly family." Annabeth crossed her arms, scolding Percy.

"Yeah, because that makes you my niece?" Percy muttered under his breath. causing Annabeth to smack him.

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