Chapter 3

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"My daughter, patience, I would come for you..." The voice hissed in Diana's mind, "You have not been forgotten, train, my daughter, train, for you have yet to accomplish your destiny"

Diana woke up with a shiver, was that really her imagination or did that really come from her mother, if so, who is she? And why did she leave her?

The Unclaimed went to Chiron and told him of the voice, he furrowed his brow in confusion, "There are no gods that would disobey the Lord of the Sky, of course, also goddesses of course. And the Lord decreed that all half-bloods shall be claimed at the age of 13, and most are claimed earlier, but you are 14 and unclaimed."

"Yeah, Chiron, thanks for the reminder that I am 14 and unclaimed!" Diana Hunt hissed. Then, she realized she sounded exactly like what the voice in her head sounded like before she woke up. "Chiron, I didn't mean that, but the voice I just used, it... it sounded exactly like what the voice I heard, the person claiming to be my mother!"

"Well... I admit I have never heard something like that in all my years, not even my father, Kronos sounded like that, nor any of his siblings." Chiron mused, "I would think about this."

"Thanks, Chiron, you're the best."

Diana walked to the dining hall and bumped into the person she least wanted to encounter, Percy Jackson, the hero of this time, for saving Olympus from the attack of the Titan Kronos, 2 years ago. As if all the other half-bloods did not help, and his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. They two and their friend, Grover, took all the credit, which ought to have gone to Camp Half-Blood, the entire camp! Instead, the gods rewarded these stupid 3.

"What do you want?" Diana Hunter growled menacingly, "Was it not enough for you push me away from a danger that never could have threatened me? Treating me like an inferior creature?

"I..." Percy stuttered.

"And for you to steal all the credits? When the entire camp helped to defeat the Titan Kronos?" Diana turned away, leaving Percy to stare after her.

Her mind hurts.

It hurts so much, she misses Luke incredibly, even though he supposedly betrayed the gods.

But why?

It was because of them in the first place.

Because of neglection, because of loss, because of the gods.

She growled and frowned, turning back to the Big House and took a deep breath, deciding to go to the Oracle and ask.

She walked up the steps, one by one.

Each step bringing up a memory.

Luke's charming smile, holding out a hand.

Silena's twinkling laugh, her entire body shaking.

Clarisse... Her smirking while fixing her armour, and also grabbing a proper weapon for her, before deciding on a bow and arrow and hunting knives, just like the Hunters of Artemis, her teasing her about it.

Percy... She distinctly remembered when Percy was creeping out of Camp to get the Golden Fleece, when she caught him, and her stared at her like a deer caught in the spotlight. She glared slightly before breaking into a smile, making a shooing motion, hoping slightly that she could help.

She reached the trapdoor and took a deep breath.

She opened the door and stepped in, climbing up and carefully shutting it again.

Looking around, she took note of the various trophies, one caught her eye, a newly added Minotaur Horn.

Diana stepped towards it and started to touch it.

Approach Seeker and ask.

The Oracle suddenly spoke, startling Diana and making her jump and whirl around.

Rachel stared at her from a stool in the corner of the attic, an art canvas in front of her, holding a paint brush in her hand, green mist pouring out of her mouth as her eyes were fixed on her creepily.

"Rachel... Who is my mother?" Diana asked, a bit hesitant.

One which the Oracle of Delphi cannot see, hidden by black mist, eroding the sacred green of us. Diana Hunter, your mother is powerful, very indeed, and she does not wish to be known. And we, the Oracle cannot see her too.

"But are you not the Oracle?" She asked desperately.

Diana Hunter, I seek you. The hissing vice from the dream coming back again.

I would claim you when the plan starts.

If anything, the Oracle only made Diana become more confused. Hidden by a black mist? Powerful?

She didn't notice the land outside seemed to be moving, she didn't realize that she was glowing slightly green, mixed with a mud brown.

All she noticed, was that the Oracle told her nothing, and her mother didn't want to be known.

But who was her mother to be able to influence the Oracle? The sacred Oracle of Delphi, owned by the Great Olympian Apollo?

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