Chapter 4

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Diana sighed and went down from the attic, not wanting to watch Rachel wake up and ask her what happened.

She decided to go out into the world.

After all, if she wants to be claimed, she needs to do something which gains her attention, and whatever the plan is.

When she told her decision to Chiron, he scolded her.

"Hunter, don't go rushing into madness. Your superior bow skills are equal to the children of Apollo, your brilliant fighting skill gains you respect from the cabin of Ares, your intelligence matches the Athena cabin, your earth-shaking skills when you were last angry is the same if not better than Poseidon's children. You have a beauty apparently unmatched by any of Aphrodite's children with your old sort of beauty. You have the cruelty of Hera, sorry milady, the natural authority of Zeus, the cunning of Hermes, the coldness of Artemis and part of your skill with a bow must have come from her too, and the black-smiting skills worthy of Hephaestus himself. But who is your mother, to be able to have so many qualities bestowed upon you, there is of course, a chance that you were blessed but I doubt it, there is no reason for all 12 Olympians to bless you..."

"Chiron stop, I must go, for private reasons." Diana stormed away, furious that Chiron compare her with the various other half-bloods, have they killed as many monsters during the War of Titans? It might have been Luke Castellan that struck the final blow that destroyed Kronos but Percy Jackson, worthless son of the sea god and that crazy girlfriend of his, Annabeth Chase claimed all the credit for Luke's heroic deed.

"Hunter..." Chiron made a last attempt to keep Diana Hunter at Camp, Diana just about heard Chiron's shout as she stomped away.

She turned around and grinned devilishly, "Yeah, son of Kronos?"

"Make sure you don't regret this decision."

"Obviously, I won't"

Chiron suddenly gasped and turned a shade white. "Hunter, behind you, the Oracle of Delphi."

Diana turned around, Rachel Elizabeth Dare's eyes were green, but green like slime, her mouth sprouted smoke and its shrouded Diana, In her mind's eye, she saw a desolated forest, black with hatred.

And she heard her prophecy.


The Pantheon of Olympus were having a council discussing the mysterious demigod who no one has claimed yet, they knew it was a female as her mortal parent was a male.

"Father, but who would dare to oppose you or suffer your wrath?" Athena asked, thoroughly confused, which is something a Goddess of Wisdom do not like to be.

Zeus' brows where furrowed, concentrating, trying to think of an answer.

When suddenly, Apollo lurched on his throne, sitting stiff as green smoke started to pour out of his mouth, his eyes already a smoking green.

Twice, rulers have been overthrown,

As all half-bloods have known,

Three, the sacred number,

So, shall this be, the undeniable key.

Heroes rise to gods,

The Olympians flawed.

The choice would be made,

To preserve or to raid.

Would the loyalty survive,

Or shall the pride strive.

Apollo collapsed on his throne and slid down slightly, before gasping and recovering.

"What was that." Zeus thundered, "Another Great Prophecy?"

"What..." Apollo asked, still a bit confused, "Oh, no."

"Apollo, what's the matter?" Hermes asked, nearly leaping off his throne in fear of his friend.

"This prophecy, it... It's going to start soon." Apollo said hesitantly, "I, I sensed that one part of it would happen very, very soon." He shook his head, "But I'm not sure which and when."

"Heroes rise to gods is evidently meaning that a hero would become a god, the sea-scum refused, so as long as we don't allow anyone to become a god, everything should be fine." Ares growled.

Everyone stared at him, surprised.

"What?" Ares seemed self-conscious as the other 13 Olympians stared at him.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open as the council all snapped their gaze towards the intruder.

"Hecate, why are you here?" Artemis asked, her distaste evident in her tone.

"Diana... Hunter, she, she has become a goddess, although she herself doesn't know it yet, but she seems to be something far more powerful, far darker, far, far more." Hecate choked, before disappearing.

The Gods looked at each other.

"The Prophecy has started, and Diana might be the centre figure this time. We have to find her and make sure her loyalty is to Olympus." Zeus then disappeared in a flash of lightning, the other gods nodded and disappeared in their own fashion, acknowledging the seriousness of this situation.

It could be the Second Giant War all over again.

Little did they know, how accurate that predication might be.

A war was coming, and it was going to be worse then ever before.

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