Chapter 25

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Perhaps you would believe me, perhaps you wouldn't, but me and Diana was one tragic failed Greek romance story. We were destined to be soul mates, yet destined to be apart. 

The Fates were cruel. 

It was in every heart-wrenching moment of seeing her that made me realize just how far we are apart. And I knew that despite everything, I would kill myself at her command, but at the same time I knew I wouldn't. 

A tug of war between reason and love, none winning, but sometimes one gains an upper hand. 

Like now. Clarisse was already ready to die for the cause, ready to fight her own friend, just as the prophecy suggest, she knows better than to shy from fate. 

So it was with dread that I watched Chris strike Clarisse down. 

"NO!" A rasp scream sounded as the knife was plunged into Clarisse's back, no one could have expected it, that Chris, Clarisse's boyfriend would stoop to such a level. 

The Daughter of Ares shall fight her friend,

The last blow shall cause the final end.

Nobody expected the friend to be Chris, everyone was preparing for Diana to be the one to kill, the one to cause the final end. 

"I'm sorry." Chris said, yet the tone didn't even match with his words, Chris was cold and unforgiving this time, "But the Gods need to be gone, Clarisse, if you only accepted the offer that Diana gave you."

"Why..." Clarisse croaked, staring at Chris with wide, unbelieving eyes. 

"Rue, my dear, if you only remembered my fatal flaw," Chris turned and stared straight at me, "I am not able understand why you, brother, of all people would be willing to side with the Olympians, after all, aren't you still angry at what they have done? Excessive wrath is our flaw yet I would like to call it a gift, a gift to see clearly and to remain focused, would you not agree, Castellan?" 

The prophecy came to my mind. 

Four would go to the Land of Monsters,
To survive, they have to find the waters.
The Great Hero of Olympus rises,
The Last Night of Olympus surprises.

I turned to look at Percy, who appeared stunned by this sudden turn of events and suddenly, I heard the flooding currents, saw the shaking body of the one and only Hero of Olympus. The dam to his anger has finally broke, and it was just what was needed. 


Of every possibility that could happen, I never considered this. 

Every single plan we had, every strategy we made, it was designed for Diana, not one of our own, not Chris. 

I was caught by surprise and I hate that. But hearing the slow breathing besides me, I know that my Percy's anger has been released, witnessing first-hand how destructive he can be, especially that time when he knew his mother was dead, I finally felt hope. 

After all, we only needed to find the River Lethe, Mother herself had said so. Who else is a better choice to do so than Percy? Who has already bathed in the River Lethe before? 

I felt the rushing tides, heard the crashing waves but then, I saw the slight smirk that Diana had. A sudden bad feeling came over me, but what could happen? Nothing, absolutely nothing could go wrong. 

It turns out I forgot Tartarus, the most dangerous of all our enemies. He turned to look at the river slowly floating it's way across the sky's coming from who knows where and smiled. 

A sadistic smile, a smile promising revenge, and then they all disappeared, leaving only three people behind. 

Luke, me and Percy. 

But Percy was still angry, the water, now quick and swirling, an angry crashing hurricane, with Percy at the centre of it all. Slowly rising, he seemed almost like a god. 

I noticed that he was still rising and fear for his life, anything could happen for he was trespassing in Zeus' territory. 

"Percy!" I shouted, but he didn't seem to hear me, "Seaweed Brain!" I trailed off, a hand being placed on my shoulder and I glanced back and saw Luke, a flicker of suspicious tenderness slowly flitting through his eyes. 

"Let him be, he needs to release his pent up anger." Luke smiled sadly, "I know first hand how much anger can slowly build up, releasing it is the best way."

I watched as Percy slowly directed his hurricane towards the monster's camp, completely demolishing it before I blinked and he disappeared. 

He disappeared, the previous second, he was there and the next, he wasn't. I whirled around to see confusion etched on Luke's face too, he seemed just as bewildered as I was. 

"Percy?" I asked, hoping this was just a joke, "This is not funny." 

"He's gone." Luke said, mouth in a grim straight line, "I can't detect his aura." 

"I need to find him! He can't..." I couldn't believe this was happening. 

"You need to go back to camp." Luke said, a stern face showing his disapproval. Before I could protest, he had already transported me and him back to the ruins that were originally Camp Half-Blood. 


Camp Half-Blood was in a wreck, the soldiers of Ouranous came too late and this lack of timing had caused problems to occur, more specifically, caused the destruction of the cabins and the death of many more. 

Not to mention, the news Annabeth and Luke brought back was devastating, Chris was a traitor, Clarisse dead and Percy missing. 

Everyone knew that something was going to happen, and it wouldn't be pretty. A new age was coming, and the original petty resistance that Diana had shown against the Gods had now turned into a full scale war. 

The decision to raid has been made, the pride has thrived. Who would have thought that it was not a single person who affected this entire war? But the combination of several, Chris being one, Luke another and Diana. Yet they were not all, they were only part, a minority. 

This was not just a simple single prophecy quest, there were two, except that the poor demigods only had part of the story. Will the Olympians learn or continue their foolish ways? Let's see because here is when the fun begins. 

The Rebellion has formerly started.

Hello Readers, 
Solstice here, anyways this story is officially over but expect a sequel. I have no idea where my stories will be going so don't expect a sequel soon but I WILL write one. After all, this entire idea of a Daughter of Gaia has been thought up by me. If anyone wants to borrow it, no problem but please do credit me and add a link to my story. 
Anyways, if you have finished this and the sequel hasn't come out yet, I urge you to check out my other stories. Especially Shattered. Ok, I'm going to stop rambling. 
Please comment and vote! (And share this with others!)

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