Chapter 1 - A Bad Beginning

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The 6 bread kingdoms rulers were all making their way to King Subway's castle for a secret and urgent meeting. The kings and queens of each kingdom were also going to present their best loaf of bread to King Subway. Da'nanuel was the leader of the banana bread kingdom. He was brown skinned, with spectacles and a large afro. The banana bread kingdom had a grassy environment, with a booming economy and dry boring culture. Myra was queen of the baguette kingdom. She was a brown skinned woman, who always wore a black bandana that her hair stuck out of. The baguette bread kingdom was a sophisticated, clean environment. The kingdom was known for its creativity and wonderful costumes. Then there was Muhamed, a dark skinned man with spectacles and a fade. Muhamed was the king of the Italian bread kingdom, a very basic environment consisting of small houses and gardens where townsfolk would grow their own food. People acted sophisticated and overall thought they were better than most. But seeing how they had a strong economy, and how the average person had a high intelligence, I can see why they believe that. Then there was Messiaharm the king of the cornbread kingdom. He was a brown skinned man with an afro. The cornbread bread kingdom had a very plentiful environment with a lot of fields for farming. People acted very chaotic, and often played vicious and dangerous pranks on each other. Crime was a big issue, but Messiaharm didn't seem to mind too much about stuff like that. He hosted weekly gladiator matches, and his kingdom was looked down by bread rulers and common people alike. But because Messiaharm had a strong army. King Subway hadn't decided to eradicate it from his rulership yet. Then there was Da'ven III. A light brown skinned man with a flat top and a full beard. He was the leader of the wheat bread kingdom. The environment is basically one big forest, the houses are made to be shaped like bread. They're the most passionate people about their bread, hosting wheat bread celebrations every 6 months, and anybody who doesn't like wheat bread with a passion is an outcast in their society. The last ruler in the 6 bread kingdoms is Cherithem, the queen of the bishop bread kingdom. Cherithem has a ponytail and spectacles. The environment is very cold and relaxed, there are a lot of small villages. The people don't stand out in any way, but they are hard workers making their economy a strong one. One by one, each king arrives at King Subway's kingdom, there is a large golden loaf of bread statue standing on top of the kingdom, like gargoyles on a church. The castle also has yellow and green banners, streaming down the front. There are guards wearing bread hats, and armed with bread steel swords, standing next to the doors. Breed steel is a type of very strong and expensive metal, it's a blunt long loaf of bread that is very strong. As each king and queen walk in, they see each bread kingdom's bread engraved in the wooden entrance doors. There are only 7 people in the giant kingdom, and those are the 6 bread kingdom rulers and a servant making it a very quiet environment. Each bread king and queen are escorted to a meeting room with a long table where they all have a place to sit. The tablecloth is very colorful, and there are paintings of bread on the walls. There is also a bookshelf that sits awkwardly on the right side of the room. All the rulers, place their best loaf of bread on the table and sit down on the wooden chairs that have colorful pieces of cloth over them, and await for king subway to arrive.

"I wonder why king subway invited such a little number of people to this party, I was expecting it to be more lively!" Messiarm says crossing his arms.

"Party? He said we needed to meet about something urgent, and he needed us as soon as possible" Da'nanuel says, as he takes a sip from a glass of water, sweating and dripping it's clear liquid on the colorful tablecloth.

"Must've been a typo on the letter" Messiarm responds.

"Either that or you just didn't read it"

Myra says with a smile.

"I did read it, mainly the parts where it said bring your best bread"

"Or maybe he's going to separate one of our kingdoms from his leadership. Then someone here wouldn't be protected under his rule. I've heard rumors of it"

Cherithem says with assurance.

"Oh, stop worrying Cherithem, I'm sure he just wanted a nice small party with us. After all, you don't think a kind, loving leader like him could do something like that?"

Myra says, adjusting the silver crown with various jewels on it, on her head.

"He might be separating one of the kingdoms, and I'm pretty sure if he is, Messiarm's mess of a land is his first option"

Da'ven III says, he's always despised Messiaharm.

"He wouldn't get rid of me, he likes me"

Messiarm responds.

"Like you're so important, he's nice to everyone"

Muhamed says with a hint of snarkiness in his voice.


Messiaharms responds back.

"You're calling somebody else rude? You're such a hypocrite!"

"Da'ven please d-"

But it was too late, Messiaharm and Da'ven started arguing with each other until the king subway finally arrived. King subway wasn't his actual name, it was a title given to every ruler of all of the bread kingdoms. When king subway died another person would take his place. His real name is only known by a few select people. There have been only 2 rulers, the other one turned corrupt and so when they named the new king subway they didn't add second because they tried to erase his legacy. King subway is wearing a green and yellow surcoat, with a green and yellow robe covering his body. King Subway is a middle aged man, but looks older than he actually is because of his wrinkly face. Subway has a worried expression on his face, which is very unlike him.

"Settle down everyone" He says in a calm, soothing voice, then sits at the end of a long table.

"As you know I have gathered you all here today, for something very important"

Nobody says a word, not sure if they should expect the worst.

"We need to discuss something extreme, an enemy is rising out of the shadows. An enemy I thought I'd never see again. But before we talk about that, I want to taste each of your loaves of bread. Da'nanuel hand me your loaf first please"

Da'nanuel hands him the bread proudly, and the king begins to eat it.

"I must say this is very exceptional"

He continues to eat until he gets a strange look on his face. The king begins to cough wildly. Spitting bits of blood on the colorful tablecloth.

The kings look in worry, as a servant rushes over to the king.

Suddenly, he starts to choke trying to speak but no words come up, his throat is beginning to close. After a few moments, he collapses to the ground.

The servant goes over to the king, and checks his pulse.


"What is it! Say it already!"

Myra screams at the servant.

"He... he's dead!"

The kings stare in shock, in disbelief, king subway, ruler of all the 6 kingdoms was lying on the floor, dead.

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