My Day: Part 2

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When I get to school I see my best friends. Emma and Kennedy. I've been best friends with them since fourth grade. We have sleepovers every weekend. Kennedy says," Don't look now, but your crush is standing right behind you." I look anyway because I'm curious. I've had a crush on him since sixth grade. William George Bailey Jones. Everyone calls him Tuck though. I'm planning on asking him out today but I'm nervous and excited all at the same time."Hey, I said to not look!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!" I say as we head to our first class of the day.

Later at lunch I say frantically ,"Guys, I'm asking him out today. I am. It's happening. Today."

Emma spits out her drink and say,"WHAT?! WHY?!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say as I laugh.

"No, I jus- like, what I meant to say was that like that's a big thing!" Emma says.

"Well, yeah I know!" We all laugh and continue talking. They think that it's a good idea.

Later That Day:

I see Tuck in the hallway and say,"Hey Tuck!" This is it. This is the day I ask him out.

"Hey Kayla!" He looks nervous but I had no clue why. "I have a question." He says as he walks a little closer.

"Okay? What is it?" I say.

"Would y- would you like to go out with me" He says.

I freeze. He just asked me out. My CRUSH just asked me out! I say,"Sure, I mean, I would love to!"

Tuck says while he's smiling,"Ok I'll text you when and where then!"

I hope you're enjoying the story! This part took me a while. I have a lot of ideas though!

Kayla Grey-ShepherdWhere stories live. Discover now