Rebel Yell

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My “House”<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I woke up about 4:00 a.m. only to have my mother nowhere to be found! I double checked the house and still didn’t find her.

“YES! At least one morning of peace and quiet” J

I went to the “family” room and turned the TV. to MTV and just to my luck I found BVB on concert there, my favorite song was playing (Knives and Pens) so I turned the volume to max and started dancing around like a crazy person, hehe. After Knives and Pens they started to play Perfect Weapon, so I went to the kitchen and made me some scrambled eggs for breakfast, then I went back to the TV. and watched the rest of the concert. After it was done I saw an ad that said that BVB was going on a tour and that they were going to have e concert in Detroit. I’d love to go but it’s not like I have the time or money for it. I looked at my watch and it was already about 6:30 a.m. so I ran to the bathroom and started showering, I sat there on the floor and let the water just run over me for about an half hour and then washed my hair, finally when I got out of the shower I immediately started drying my hair and straightening it, otherwise it would frizz. Then I got dressed in a black skinny, a MCR shirt, a white hoody and some black sneakers, I did my make-up and brushed my teeth.

By the time I was finished with all that is was 9 o’clock on the dot. I made my bed and washed the dishes. When I was done I plugged my earphones in my iPod and hit the play button, plying In The End from Linken Park, I locked the doors and started walking down the driveway into the street to the busy part of the city.

When I entered the “mall” I saw everybody was staring at me and pointing fingers as they passed by. I tried to ignore it and kept walking, minding my own business. Detroit didn’t have a Hot Topic so I shopped all my clothes at Jay Jay’s. Their very similar, the only difference is that Jay Jay’s also sold girly-girl stuff, so I stay away from that isle, not that I have anything against them, it’s just not my style. So I started looking around in Jay Jay’s for all their latest stuff but nothing interested me, so I left.

For the rest of the day I just walked around in the shops, checking things out. I rented a skate board at Quicksilver for about 5 hours, it cost me $11,50 since it was an Element deck. I rode around the mall for a while and then started grinding on the benches. A security guard told me to quit doing that, so I ignored him and simply stared skating faster, he chased me around the mall for a while and then lost me. When I looked back I saw him shaking his fist at me. I got so distracted that I almost fell over the railing and into a little dam thingy the mall has. I turned around to see who caught me. The sun blocked his face, so I couldn’t see his face quit clearly.

Dude:” You have to watch where you’re going if you want to skateboard.”

Me:” Haha, yea I know. I was trying to ditch a security guard chasing me.”

Dude:” Well, did it work?”

Me:” Yep, thanks for saving me by the way.”

Dude:”  No prob.”

I picked up my board and looked for any scuff marks.

Me:”Aww sh-t! I chipped the nose! Man, now I’m gonna have to pay $5” =(

Dude:” I can give you my $5?”

Me:” No thanks, I’ll survive without an extra $5.”

Dude:” Oky.”

I gave him a smile and started walking towards the skateboarding shop. I heard him calling for me even tho he didn’t know my name. I turned around and saw him running to me.

Me:”Did you call for me?”

Dude:” Yea, sorry. I didn’t catch your name, I’m Jeremy Ferguson.”

Me:” Oh right. I’m Slater Foxx, but you can call me Shadow…”

Jeremy:” Cool name, er, names”

Me:” Thx”

Jeremy:” Could I have your number? You know, incase I need to visit you in the hospital the next time you ride a skateboard, hahaha………’’

Me:’’ Sure” annoyed I gave him my number and we went our separate ways.

 After a while I decided to go home.

BUZZ-BUZZ-BUZZ-BUZZ……… my phone started ringing.

I checked the caller ID and saw mom.

Me:”Hey, mom?”


Me:” I’m in the mall, I’m—“ she cut me off.


Me:”But that’s—“ she hung up.

I placed the cell phone in my back pocket and started running as fast as I could to the exit of the mall.

Me:” Yo! Taxi!!”

A taxi driver stopped and told me to get in, I gave him my house address and told him to step on it. For a while it was pretty quiet but we were making pretty good time cuz we’re about 5 min away from my house and I had 5 min left. He dropped me off about a block away from my house, I got out and gave him $10.

Rebel YellWhere stories live. Discover now