boring really

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Next Morning<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 


Me:”SH-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I almost peed myself…

I looked around the room to see what ‘exploded’ so close to me an all I saw was Andy and Ashley laughing themselves to death on the floor…

Me:”What the hell guys???”

Andy:”BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You should’ve seen yourself! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Me:”What exploded next to me?”

Ashley:”HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! A plastic bag full of air can make a big bang when you hit it hard enough, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Me:”You guys are mean you know that…”

Ashley:”HAHAHA, O just lighten up, it was a joke…”

Me:”I know but still, but never mind, before I make you do all my homework…starting tomorrow…”

Ashley:”Oh no, I’m done with school, I’m not doing your homework for you.”

Me:”Blow a plastic bag up in my face again and both of you will be doing it for the rest of the year…”

Ashley:”And your Evil…” by this time they’ve stop laughing…

Me:J “So when are we leaving?”

Andy:”As soon as we finished getting dressed, then we’ll get some brunch at a café somewhere and then we’ll start shopping for the rest of your room…”

Me:”Okay cool, so we should get started then…”

Ashley:”Yea, so get your ass out of bed and hit the shower…”

Me:”Why you little…” I glared at him and then threw him with a pillow...

He just picked it up and threw it back to me… After the ‘pillow fight’ was overf I got the honors to use the bathroom first, I took a bath cuz I figured my hair was clean enough and it would be a waist to wash it again, so I quickly bathed and wrapped the towl around my body, I carefully opened the door to see if one of the guys were outside, luckily they weren’t so I quickly ran up the stairs and into my soon to be room to get dressed. I threw on some red skinny jeans, a pair of black converse, a grey AC/DC tank top, a black scarf and some fingerless fishnet gloves, I grabbed my make-up bag and ran back down stairs to the bathroom, it was empty so I just went in. After I did my make-up I put my make-up bag back and went to brush my teeth, but this time the bathroom was full so I ran down stairs and looked for the kitchen…After about 10 min of wondering in the halls like a ghost I finally found the kitchen and brushed my teeth over the sink, when I finished I ran back to my ‘room’ and put away my tooth brush and paste.

I just realized that I haven’t seen Ashley or Andy throughout this whole fiasco?

I slowly made my way down stairs this time to see where they were… I went to Andy’s room: Nothing… I went to Ashley’s room: Nothing… So I made my way down to the TV. room and still no Andy and Ashley!?


Those ass holes, they went to the car without me!?

I ran out the front door and there they were, in Andy’s black Mustang… I ran to the car and got in…

Me:”You guys are cruel, you know that…”

They just laughed… I looked at my watch and it was almost 9 o’clock. First we drove to the paint shop, I picked out bright red and pitch black for my walls, Andy got a paint artist to paint some graphics of my choosing on one of my walls, so I chose some cool graphics and Andy told the artist that he could go to our home and start painting, the artist took a team of painters with him to paint the rest of my walls while he does the graphics. After the paint shop we went to the interior designer and asked her to go to our house tomorrow and start putting together my room, he agreed and Ashley gave our address and paid him, so we left the designers’ place and went to some furniture shop, I picked out a black leather couch, a glass coffee table, some fake pot plants, a side table for my bed and some wooden beach chairs and a small table for my balcony, some book shelves for my DVD’s, CD’s and books, a long mirror to see myself in and a small mirror for my make-up and along with it a make-up table. Andy paid again and told the casher to take everything to the moving truck outside.  Buy the time we were done it was almost 2 o’clock. We drove for a while, we past the beach and 10 min later we stopped at the school, there were a lot of cars with kids coming in and out of the head office.

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