Shiver And Surrender

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>>>>>>>>>>1 Month Later<<<<<<<<<<

Andy came back about 3 weeks ago, but he’s not the same, something changed in him. Something snapped… I don’t know what it is, but it caused something horrible… lately he’s been very aggressive, and he’s mad at me all the time. Some days are better than other, but I still know it’s in there somewhere… Ashley changed too, ever since Andy came back, the both changed dramatically…

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been their slave and, as they call it, a ‘play thing’…… I still have my same room and clothes and everything, and I still get fed on a daily bases, but I’m a slave to them… I still go to school and everything but as soon as it’s over Andy come gets me with the van. He doesn’t let me go in the bus anymore because he’s scared I might try to run away or something, and he doesn’t let me sit in front anymore because I tried to jump out of the car once, so now I have to sit in the back, where the doors can only be opened from the outside. When we’re at home he gives me chores to do, like in the mornings when I wake up I have to go make them breakfast and wash the dishes… they’re not so strict about the house being clean or something, only once in a blue moon when the boys come over for a visit or when he wants me out of the way…

Last night I heard him and Ashley talk about pulling me from school because it’s a waste of time and I don’t really need the education, it’s not like I’ll ever leave the house or go work or anything, so what’s the use? To be honest I kinda agree, it’s NOT like they’re ever gonna let me leave and it’s not like I’m gonna go to college or anything, so I don’t see the point either.


“Shadow!... open the door” it was Andy.

I got up from my bed and shut off the T.V, I opened the door and Andy and Ashley came in and sat on my bed. I stood in front of them, waiting for them to talk.

Andy:”Shad, we’re pulling you from school…”

Me:”Why?” I asked, pretending not to know.

Andy:”Cus it costs a shit load of money and it’s not like you’re ever leaving here or going to a college, so we didn’t really see the use in keeping you there…”


Ashley:”And if you need clothes or anything, we can buy it for you, so you don’t need a job either…  just tell us when you’re running low on something.” He said smiling(I take it today is one of their good day’s)

Me:”Okay, I promise…”

Andy:”I know you do… so tomorrow you can sleep late, just wash the dishes like you usually do. We have to leave for a show tomorrow morning. We’ll be back in about three day’s so I trust you not to try anything stupid while we’re gone. I put cameras in the house so I’ll be able to see what you do every day, just a lil heads up.”

With that Ashley left and locked the door. Yes, they took my key because they don’t like me locking them out, they’re scared I’ll do something…… Andy stood up and walked to me, he looked me straight in the eyes and then put his hand on my shoulder. I looked down, I didn’t want to look at those blocks of ice… He slapped my head and I looked up at him, he was frowning, but then smiled…

Andy:”There’s a good girl…” he gave me a psychotic smile, I smiled back…”want to play a little game?” I nodded… playing game’s was his favorite thing to do to me these days, and if I said no… well, let’s just say I’ll regret it…”JaY!!!...... okay, let’s play scorpion, who ever loses get’s……mmmmm…whatever they want?”

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