Shoppign spree!!!

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I got into the back seat, Ashley was in the passenger’s seat and Andy was driving. We drove through town for a while before we stopped at the mall. Ashley and I went in while Andy searched for a parking spot. We waited for a while at the Groovy Smoothie until Andy showed up and bough us some smoothies, I got mango, Andy got strawberry and Ashley got Guava?...Weird……Anyway, so we finished our smoothies and made our way to Sheet Street… I picked out an awesome black queen size bed made out of steel with a matrise of the same size, some awesome black, red and white bed linen with Japanese patrons on it, the fluffiest pillows in the shop, some of those cute little black pillows, a bright red blanket for the foot of the bed, a black bed lamp, a giant lamp for one of the corners of the room and some black curtains. Andy paid for everything and told the casher to take everything to a moving truck outside…

When did he organize the moving truck???  

So with that thought left in my head we made it to the music shop, I got an iPod radio, stereo, HD 3D flat screen, DVD player, DVR decoder and some CD’s and DVD’s for fun, again Andy paid and told the casher to take it to the moving truck. We left the mall and the truck followed, after a while we stopped at a photo shop.

Me:” What are we doing here? I thought you guys already did a photo shoot back in Miami…”

Ashley:” No, we were with you the whole time.”

Me:” Right… so what are we doing here than?”

Andy:” This is your photo shoot, for your room…”

Me:” Oh no! I’m not doing a photo shoot, EVER!”

Ashley:” Why not? It could be fun and you get to have awesome photos of you around your room… It’s gonna look like my room!” J

Me:” I don’t like taking pictures of myself, it’s gonna look like I’m obsessed with myself, no offense Ashley, and I’m not photogenic…So thx but no thx.”

Andy:”Oh come on Shad, I know your photogenic just from looking at you plus, if you don’t want the room full of pic’s of yourself, we’ll take some with you?”

Me:” No, thx for the offer but I still don’t like taking photos where I’m in them, and besides, I’m not even dressed for a photo shoot…”

Andy:”What are you talking about? You look beautiful, and if you don’t think so, there are a bunch of stylists in there…”

Me:”You think I look beautiful???”

Andy:”Well you’re not ugly…”

Ashley:”Are you gonna do the photo shoot or not?”

The both looked at me.

Me:” Fine, I’ll do the stupid photo shoot…”

We go out of the car and walked inside, Andy and Ashley went to the front desk and I looked at the pictures hanging on the wall…

These are really good…I wonder who took them? 

“Shadow come on!”


I followed them into a huge white room with a green screen, a lot of lights, props, clothe racks, stylists and a lot of other stuff…

Old guy:”Aaaa, Andy Biersack, nice to see you again… What can I do for you today?”

Andy:”Actually Mr. Posey, I was hoping you can take a few photos for my friend over here… It’s for her room.”

Mr. Posey:” But of course, anything for you Andy… Come darling, let’s get you into make-up, mmm?”

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