best night EVER!!!!!!!!!!

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After a while we started to play TDC(truth, dare and command), I was up first.

Andy:” Shadow, TDC?”

Me:” D”

Andy:” I dare you to make out with Ashley’s foot.”

Ashley:” Dude, do you want her to pass out?”

Andy:” Hahahaha, do it!”

Everybody watched as Ashley took off his shoe.

Me:” Awwwww man!! That’s nasty! Have you ever heard of washing your feet?”

Andy:” Do it!!!”

I stared at Ashley’s foot for a while and then I started making out with it, everybody laughed and Ashley wouldn’t keep his foot still!! After about 5 min I ran to the kitchen and washed my mouth out with soda. When I came back everybody was laughing and mocking us. I sat down and pointed at Andy…

Me:’’ TDC…”

Andy:’’ Oh sh-t, uhm, T?”

Me:” Is it true that you’re a little baby who pies in his bed and eats sand just to get attention?”

Everybody laughed except Andy, he just glared at me and then started poking me!

Me:” Ouch! So, you want to fall through the floor again, do you?” Everybody laughed again.

He smirked and lifted his one brow, almost telling to bring it…

Me:” Oh, it’s on like ping-pong!!!”

We stared poking and running around like maniacs again. Andy and I were poking each other, Ashley and Jinxx were poking each other and C.C. and Jake were poking each other. It was chaos in the bus, everybody running for their lives, poking each other and flying pillows were everywhere! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was a mad house, hahaha. I ran into Andy’s room, closing the door and hiding in the closet. I heard him come running in and then looking around, I stayed very still, I didn’t move a muscle, he walked right by me, almost going into the bathroom, and then I just had to sneeze. K

Andy:” GOT YOU!”

He opened the closet door and pulled me out by my arm.

Andy:” Ha-ha-ha! Now you shall face the wrath of Andy McPokerson!”

Me:’’ Noooo! Not Andy McPokerson!”

Andy:”Yes! Andy McPokerson!”

Me:” No seriously, I thought you’re name was Andy Biersack…”

Andy:” Ha-Ha, very funny…” K

He pushed me on the bed and poked my everywhere.

Me:” Andy, you’re hurting me! You poke violently!’’

Andy:” Hahaha, sorry, is this better?”

He went in pushup position over me, softly poking my cheek. Our faces were so close together that only an ant could fit through the tiny space between us, we looked into each other’s eyes.

I never noticed what beautiful blue eyes he had.

He came closer and I realized what he wanted to do, I pushed him away and sat up on the bed.

Andy:” I’m sorry…”

Me:” It’s…okay…”

I scratched my head and stood up.

Me:” I’m, gonna go…see what the others are doing…”

Andy:” Yea, good idea…”

That was probably the world’s most awkwardest moment EVER!

I walked into the TV. room almost being killed by a pillow! I picked it up and looked to see who threw me with it, it was Jake! I threw it back at him, hitting him in the face! Hahaha. Everyone in the room laughed at him. He picked up the pillow and threw it at Jinxx, and so began a pillow war! It was me, Ashley and Jinxx against C.C. and Jake. It was an epic battle between the fittest, but in the end my team won because of our courage, honor and because it was 3 against 2. At the end of the fight we all went into Andy’s room to see whether he was still alive or dead. When we entered we go a huge blanket thrown over us and turned for about ten times and the last thing we heard was:” You’ll never catch me alive!”

Is that a challenge?

We were all dizzy and confused, then we felt the bus move!

Ashley:” It’s moving!? Where could it possibly be going?”

C.C.:” It’s one of Andy’s tricks again!”

It was hard enough trying to move together while we were dizzy in this tiny bus, but now it’s moving too!? That’s just ridiculous!! So the night went on, the bus came to a standstill at our parking spot and the madness never stopped, seriously we did an all nighter!! At about 8 o’clock the next morning we went to sleep, Ashley en the bar counter, Jinxx on the coffee table, Jake and C.C. on the floor and me and Andy on the couch. It was one of the best nights of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!!

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