Tate Langdon (1)

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Tate Langdon x reader
Smitten with you

Tate Langdon x reader    Smitten with you

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Tate's voice lowered and he stuttered as he looked at you from behind his blonde hair. You gripped the pregnancy test in your hand a little tighter and immediately bit onto your lower lip.
This was the moment you had been dreading for almost a week. You went over how you were going to break the news to him everyday and instead of going how you had practiced the words "im pregnant" came out as soon as he stepped into your room.
You were scared. You knew how Tate felt about people and you were sure that the last thing he wanted was to bring a baby into this world. No,you were almost postive he didn't want that.
You watched his reaction which was totally blank. You hated you could never read his emotions. The silence in the room began to get heavy and your nerves were all over the place. You just wanted to scream at him to let you know what was going to happen.
"Well," he finally spoke up as he leaned back onto your closed bedroom door "this isn't what I pictured this moment to be like."
Tate chuckled as he reached out. His hand slipped underneath your shirt and he rested it on your stomach. Your checks grew red from the action and you were now the one at a loss of words. His hand rubbed along your stomach and you watched as his blank face finally grew happy. A smile twitched at the corner of his lips as he looked up at you.
"You're not mad are you?" You asked "I mean we're both still so young and I know how you feel about things like this."
Tate moved his hand from your stomach and grabbed your free hand. He walked towards your bed and you followed,sitting down next to him as he did. He gripped your hand with tenderness and slowly rubbed his thumb along it
"Im not mad. I've always pictured my life with you from the moment I first saw you." He took a pause and for a second you could have sworn you seen his eyes water up "im completely smitten with you. You're the only light I have ever known. And it would be a privilege to create something so beautiful with you."
He moved his head so his forehead was now resting on yours. His eyes were closed now and you felt his grip on your hand tighten
"I love you,y/n." He said in a hush tone "I always have and I always will. I thought we would get married first but if having a baby now is our destiny then that's just what's gonna happen."
You laughed at his words and squeezed his hand back
"I love you too,Tate. I can't wait for us to be a family."
With a happy sigh,Tate opened his eyes and smiled more
"I can't wait to have a family with you too."

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