⚡️Part 9⚡️

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The meeting was probably the most boring thing on the planet

Blah- blah- blah, all about money and Tony Stark and this and that.
But you could only think of one thing throughout the whole meeting. Peter.
As you were walking to the conference room, you saw Peter, shirtless, taking a water break from lifting weights, his muscles were flexed, sweat was starting to form on his forehead.

You bit your lip durning the meeting just thinking of Peter.
You could only imagine what his mouth could do or his hands roaming all over your body.
You just couldn't stop thinking about it.

After the meeting was over you began walking back from your meeting, to your room, when you saw Peter. Hit the punching bag, hard with his god damn muscles flexing enough to make your mouth water. He looked so focused and intense, that is so unlike him.
Unfortunately he had a tank on now, but it was still sexy.
You smirked and tapped on the window, gaining a small glance from Peter. His eyes tracked from the top of your head, all the way down to your toes.
You were expecting a hello or something but what you got was shocking. He just groaned, turning back to the punching bag and hitting the hell out of it

You didn't like being ignored so you walked into the room slowly. "Hello Peter Parker" you sighed, reaching one hand around Peter and placing it on the punching bag, causing him to stop hitting.

He didn't turn to look at you-just kept staring straight and the bag
You took a deep breath, taking in the sexy sight of him- sweat drops falling from his hair. His body shimmered with the sweat that was created by his body, trying to cool itself. His temperature was high, from working out of course.

Poor Peter was trying his hardest not to grab you roughly in that little dress you were wearing.

All these dirty images appeared in his head, just by feeling your presence.
He was already taking deep breaths because of the work out, but now it was because he was trying to stop the inappropriate pictures of your naked body, in his mind.
"Peter...I'm having a couple issues today" you spoke, turning his shoulders so he was facing you, but his eyes were watching the floor. "I like when people look at me when I speak, Parker" you grabbed his chin gently, forcing him to look at you
Your hand slid from his chin to lightly cupping his jaw line, while your thumb caressed his skin.
You leaned closer to him. "I know what your thinking Pete" you whispered in his ear before nipping his ear lobe.
You slowly slid your other hand up his chest to cup the back of his neck, pulling yourself closer on him. The thought of Peter being drenched with sweat didn't bother you in the slightest, rather, it actually turned you on more.

You started lightly kissing down his jaw line. "J-Joules, your da-Tony will kill me" he said, stuttering at the feeling of your soft lips non detaching from his skin. It's like everything he dreamed of but better. Your touch was electric and he never felt more alive than in that moment with you.
"Mmm, I don't care. He never told me that you were off limits" you whispered against his soft, sweating skin. You moved further down from his jaw to his neck, Peter relaxed his head back, giving you more access.
You lightly brushed your tongue along his skin, tasting his sweaty salty skin.
Peter's hand wrapped around your waist, then suddenly slung you around, slamming your back against the punching back.

"Joules" he whispered, stepping back lightly.
"Peter" you whispered as your hands moved from his neck, gripping his shirt, stopping him from stepping away anymore.
You brought his face close to yours, closing your eyes, leaning in to kiss him.
But his strength won over yours, jumping away, turning to walk out the door. "Why can't I kiss you?I know how you feel about me Peter. I see how hard you have tried not to touch me, or hold me...or kiss me" you whispered the last part. Peter stopped in his tracks. "I'm not aloud to" he mumbled. "Oh come on Peter, you really that scared of my dad?What's he going to do? Hmm, take your suit away?" You raised your voice. Peter turned around with a mad face. "Actually yes! And it wouldn't be the first time!...And I'm not freaking scared of your dad!" He marched towards you. "Then what are you so scared about?!" You yelled. It wasn't just sexual frustration, it was frustration of the heart.
Peter quickly reached for your arm, pulling you towards him where he started leaning in to kiss him.

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