𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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it was valentine's day, 1985. you and your boyfriend, martin gore  were going to a cafe to get some tea and biscuits.

you were in your house getting dressed. you and martin were dating for about two years. you couldn't wait to spend your 3rd valentine's day as a couple together! you put on martin's favorite dress of yours. a semi-tight black velvet  dress with a small slit on the left. you were pretty sure martin had the same one! you put on some grey eye-shadow and some cherry red lip-gloss. your hair was already dry and curly, even though you had just come out of the shower about 30 minutes ago. you brushed it and called martin.

no one was answering. but then, you heard a knock on the door. it was martin. you could see him through the right window, next to your door. he had a black beret on, but his curls were still visible under it. he had a black turtle neck on with a black trench coat. he had spiky bracelets on both of his wrists and a really long pearl necklace that looped, so one was bigger than the other. he was wearing a skirt, but it was very short so he was wearing black fishnets under it and some doc martin high top boots. he was holding some things behind him. you couldn't really tell what they were though...

you opened the door. "hi martin!" you said, hugging him.

"hello y/n!" he said hugging back, keeping the things out of sight from you.

"what do you have there, mart?" you asked.

"i'll give you one now. you'll see the rest later, love." martin said with a wink. "turn around and close your eyes."

you turned around and put your hands over your eyes. you heard him put some things in his jacket pocket, and then he said "okay, turn around!"

you did, and martin was holding some beautiful blood red roses! you looked at him happily. "they're for me?!" you exclaimed.

he chuckled. "yes y/n."

"awwwww thank you! i love you!" you said, smelling them.

"i love you too." martin said.

you went and put the beautiful roses in a white porcelain vase and walked back to martin, who was standing at the door. he held out his black nail painted hand for you to take and then you too it and began to walk with him out on the london streets. his hands are so soft... he has so many rings though you thought to yourself, but giggled out loud.

"what are you laughing at cutie?" martin asked giggling too.

"oh no nothing..." you said still giggling.

"okayyy..." martin said giggling and then gave you a kiss on the head.

"AWWWWWWWW" you said with a big smile. martin giggled again.

when both of you arrived at the cafe, he pulled out a chair for you and you sat down.

"thank you sir." you said to him with a big smile.

"you're welcome, honey." he said, kissing your hand. "what would you like to get?"

"i don't really know yet. maybe some tea. how about you?"

"i would like some tea too. what kind?" he replied.

"maybe some peppermint. how about you?" you asked.

"ooo that sounds delicious! and almost as sweet as you! i'll go order." he said before kissing your lips.

he's too sweet aw. you thought.

in about three minutes, martin came back with two styrofoam cups and a paper box full of yummy looking biscuits with chocolate chips and blueberries. it looked scrumptious!

"here you go, beautiful." he said, whilst handing you your tea.

"thank you, mart!" you said, smiling sweetly and began to drink your tea.

he sat across from you and began to sip his tea.

"is it good?" you asked.

"yes, very much so." he said with a little giggle.

"that's good." you said.

you both smiled at each other while sipping your tea. as you both ate your biscuits. martin took something else out of his coat pocket. it was a heart-shaped box of chocolates! 

"we can eat these with our biscuits." he said. "well, they're for you, but i hope you don't mind sharing..." he said

"awww of course not!" you said, as he scooted his chair next to you and started to eat the sweet melting chocolate. as you finished eating your chocolate. he put his chair in it's correct place and thanked the employees as he took your arms and led you out the door.

"let's dance! let's go to a dance club! i feel so overwhelmed with joy!" martin said, taking your hands and began to spin you both with your arms.

"alright! where are we going to go?" you said, with a big smile.

"i know a place." martin said as he took your hand and began to run with you to his destination, with you and him happily laughing the whole time.

you arrived at a large building. an apartment complex, or something that looked like it. a hotel perhaps. but, you could hear some music playing from outside. then, you realized that it wasn't coming from the building. it was coming from an alley to the left of it, that martin was leading you through. martin stopped at the steel door and rang the bell on the left of the door. it made a beeping sound and martin opened the door. it was an underground dance club. there was a live band there, playing goth rock.

the man next to the door, at a desk greeted martin. "hello, mart! how are ya?!"

"hi robert! i'm good, how about you?" martin asked, fixing his belt.

"good, good! i'm good too! who's this lovely lady?" he asked, smiling at you.

"this is my girlfriend, y/n. i don't know i why i never thought of bringing her here!" he laughed.

"ohhhh that's nice! hi y/n! i'm robert! nice to meet you!" robert said, holding out his hand, to shake yours.

you took it and said "hiiii! nice to meet you too" you had to yell a bit because the music was so loud. he laughed a bit

"alright mart! i'll see both of you more later!" robert said.

"okay rob see you then!" martin said, taking your hand and leading you on to the dance floor. the live band took a break and the speakers were playing "love will tear us apart again" by joy division, as you and martin began to sway gently with your arms standing in front of each other. both of you were quiet and were just vibing. when the song was over, you just held each other close and felt each other's warmth, as "true" by spandau ballet played.

you both were having such a good time. you wanted it to never end.

𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now