👸Chapter 25: Something more to this Jerk

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I walk silently towards his bedroom door. I stand there contemplating on whether to knock or just barge in. But to actually think of it, it will rather be stupid to knock since he will be alerted with my presence and he will quickly hide whatever he is up to.

This was a stupid idea anyways. I will just leave and join the girls downstairs before they start assuming things I don't want them to.

As I'm about to leave I realize that the door isn't locked.

Is this some form of trap? I remember Matilda clearly telling me he never leaves his door unlocked for any reason at all so how come today it is

Maybe he didn't even come to his room
He might be somewhere else doing his own thing.
To confirm I put my ear to the door
In order to find out whether he is indeed out of his room or not.

The place is all quiet. I think my assumptions were right
He didn't come into his room. So where is he then?

Okay to hell with where he is
this is the perfect opportunity for me to search in his room to find out what he is planning.

I quickly walk into his room making sure no one sees me.
I begin to look for anything suspicious.
As I'm looking ,I realize how huge his room is
I think it's even bigger than that of Matilda's.
There are a lot of paintings in here too
I never knew he was a fan of art.

There is more to this jerk than I thought.

To me I thought he only liked getting attention from girls and nothing else
But this is telling me otherwise.

I really need to focus on the reason why I'm here in the first place before it becomes too late for me to find anything.

Whiles searching through his drawers I feel something move on my fingers.
I hear the sound of a door being opened
But then I don't give it my attention since I'm too busy concentrating on what might have moved on my fingers.

I try to remove the sheets from the drawer to see exactly what it is.
And to my surprise I find a weird looking lizard in the drawer.

I immediately back off in fear and I find myself bumping into something or somebody hard and wet.

We end up on the floor with me on top of whoever it is .

My eyes are kept shut praying and wishing that the person isn't the one I have in mind.

I stay like that for another minute without moving a single finger.

I finally begin to open my eyes slowing to find out who the person is.

Oh lord please let it be any one apart from Carlos please.

I finally open my eyes to find a shirtless jerk beneath me

I immediately shut my eyes and begin to bite my lip.
I hear him chuckle and he mutters something under his breath.

"Do you want us to spend the whole day like this?" He questions

Oh shit I'm still on top of him.
I quickly get off him and make my way out of the room.

As I'm about to open the door, strong arms pull me back making me hit his bare chest.

"What do you think you are doing" I say stammering.

"I'm the one who needs to ask this question." He says with a stern look on his face making me swallow hard.

"Ermmmmm........ I was just... Erhh.." I famble.
I can feel a bead of sweat on my forehead
I try my best to wipe it but then he holds my hand preventing me from doing that.

"Yeah .....go on" he says pressuring me to continue.

"I was just here to ...erhh look for it ermmm i mean you" I manage to say

"Why is that so and what were you looking for in my drawer?" He asks with his gaze piercing through my soul

I try to move from his grip but it's useless since he is far bigger and stronger than i am.

Just because he is standing here looking hot and all nice doesn't mean he can have the upper hand here

I drop my gaze from his eyes slowly to his body
My eyes stay at his abs and it moves to the lower part of his body
I realize he is only in boxers and I quickly avert my eyes to look at his face.

I see a smug on his face
Which tells me that he caught me ogling
Oh shit
I have to make up an excuse before I end up in more trouble.

I manage to free myself from his grip and try as much as possible not to ogle

"I came here to look for you because I needed you to show me your washroom." I say playing with my fingers. Something I do when I'm nervous
He notices this and I quickly put my hands behind me.

" Why waste your time looking for me if you can just ask Matilda?." He responds

"She was busy downstairs with everyone and I didn't want to disturb her since I saw you come upstairs." I say looking elsewhere.

"Okay that's fair enough. But then I want to know one more thing. Why were you searching in my drawer?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

Oh gosh what possible answer can I give to this

I can't say I was looking for him there or something related to that.

"Erhhhh I was just looking for ......."

"Looking for me in there?" he questions laughing

"No and it's not funny ok" I say folding my arms.

"Okay then, what at all were you looking for?" He asks

"When I entered the room ,I heard a funny sound coming from that direction and I decided to go and check it out." I lie right through my teeth

"So that is how come you met my favourite lizard isn't it?" He questions

"So you are aware that there is a lizard in your drawer." I ask in disgust

"Well yeah, only that it's not a real lizard but a toy." He says on the verge of laughing

" What are you saying. I can even swear on my life that I felt that thing move and you are here telling me it's fake." I say

"Well I never said it couldn't. It can move and all but then it isn't real. Wait and Let me show you if you don't believe me." He goes into the drawer and pulls out the lizard

He tries giving it to me but then I quickly refuse to touch it.
This makes him laugh and he returns the thing to were it belongs.

I stand there staring at the drawer still thinking about how possible it is for the lizard to be fake.

"So are you going to just stand there and watch me dress or you are going to use the washroom and be on your way out?" He questions

"I will be on my way out. Don't feel like using the loo any longer." I say storming out of his room.

He chuckles and locks the door immediately I close it.

Well that went better than I thought.
Didn't expect him to be that nice to me especially seeing me search his drawer.

What is going on with him and what does he have in mind now especially after seeing me in his room?

Thank you for reading ☺️☺️❤️

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