👸Chapter 19:have fun

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Chapter Dedicated to cant_stop_mcrying

I feel a hand on my shoulders and I turn around to face mom and Emily.

"You look beautiful my dear."mom says with her eyes filled with unshed tears

I want to ask mom how she got a dress so elegant like this. we aren't poor but we can never afford a dress like this in such a short notice. I feel like a Princess in in this thing already. This should send a message that it costs a whole fortune. How can mum arrange for something like this in such a short time. But then I just save my questions for later since I don't want to ruin the moment

"Thanks mom."I simply say

"Yess she looks great and all thanks to me for the wonderful job I did to her face and of course the extravagant gown you got for her Aunt "Emily says with a smug face

I roll my eyes and tell mom about our ride to the palace, ignoring Emily in the process. Mom scolds me for not telling her earlier but later gives in to it.

"If you girls would be fine with them then alright I will later meet you two in the palace. I have to drop a few things at a friend's place before heading to the palace."she informs me.

"Alright mom."I say walking to the bed to grab my purse

"Don't tell me you are going to the ball barefooted."Emily questions wide eyed.

I then look down at my feet realising I have no shoes on. I'm not even surprised I didn't notice this little detail due to the huge and fluffy material covering all over my legs. I feel soo heavy wearing this. I'm not used to these unnecessarily big gowns. It's just some royal feast. Why the need to dress up so Properly. When I say properly I mean wearing obnoxious heels and gowns. Well that is the theme for all royal functions here in Angellos. I wonder whether things are much different out there. Are they forced to wear these like we are? But one thing I know is that Angellos its a Kingdom where it's traditions and norms are taken seriously.
For the past years there have been a lot of advancement in other places.I don't see any of those developments made to improve our lifestyle at this place.

Maybe you are wondering how I came to know about this
Well my wisdom filled books back in school as well as the storybooks I read enlightens me about a lot of things happening out there.

I don't even understand why we are still living in the old times.

Well maybe the norms are against any form of advancement.

"Come on put this on"mom hands me a pair of golden wedges bringing me from my own world.

They are not so long as compared to Emily's own. How can she manage to walk in those without tripping. I think she has magically made her feet to walk perfectly in those heels because If i was the one wearing those I'm sure I would have turned my room upside down trying to just walk properly in them. well I don't blame myself for this. I just don't really fancy these things and every time I get an opportunity to wear heels and fancy clothes I will just throw it into the trash and sit in my room all day doing nothing.
no wonder I have less friends. I'm not the social type who is always excited to meet new people and I'm pleased with this attitude of mine. Well mum isn't. She feels it's better to be outgoing. She always tells me I'm too reserved and I need to stop acting that way and actually enjoy my young life whiles it lasts
But then I just feel the more you know people,the more your problems. So I'm just content with the few people I know.

Whiles wearing the heels ,I hear the door bell ring.

"I think your ride is here. You girls should just hurry up ,I will go and get the door."mom says as she hurries off to get the door.

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