5 - SMP

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Wilbur's POV

I had decided to look at Els Instagram and Twitter. When I first saw what she looked like, I was honestly struck. She is so stunning. I can't believe George actually made friends with such a gorgeous female. I already want to get to know more about her. She seems.. mysterious in a way. Like a closed book, and I'm eager to read it. I saw on her Twitter that she seems to be getting along with everyone on the SMP so far, and that makes me glad. Good to know everyone is treating her well and giving her a warm welcome.

Wilbur sees Tommy's stream titled: "A NEW WOMAN ON THE SMP?!"

I should go join their vc. I wouldn't want Tommy already scaring her away.

"Chat. There's a woman. A WOMAN. As if there wasn't already enough?! Oh god. Oh god this isn't going to go well. Everyone meet Els." Tommy had said with a dramatic effect for his viewers.

"Tommy, shut it. I swear there's nothing to be worried about. Hey chat! Just an FYI, I suck at Minecraft.. so don't expect me to be weirdly good like Techno or anything." Els replied.

With shock, Tommy shouted, "YOU KNOW THE BLADE ALREADY?!"

"What have I walked into?" I said, genuinely confused as to why they were talking about Techno. Looks like Els really is friendly with everyone.

"WILBUR DID U MEET THE WOMAN?!?!?" Tommy shouted.

"Hey Will!" Els said softly.

"Tommy, yes. Stop referring to her as "the woman". You're going to scare her away. Also, Hi Els!" I had replied.

"Hmmmmm chat do I sense a new romance coming?!!" Tommy had said.

Not going to lie I can't say I didn't expect that from Tommy, but I was caught a bit off guard. I needed a moment.

"What?! Tommy. All we did was say hello to each other." Els had said, but with laughter.

Of course in this situation, I had to make fun of Tommy. So I said, "Don't even listen to anything Tommy says. Pretty sure he's deranged in the head."


Els and Wilbur just laugh at Tommy screaming.

The stream continues where Tommy and Wilbur show Els around, and show her the rest of the members on the SMP. After about 2 hours, the stream ends and Tommy leaves VC.

Wilbur and Els don't leave it.

"You mind sticking around for a while?" I ask Els. Hopefully, she doesn't think I'm too straightforward. 

"No problem, not like I was going to sleep anytime soon" Els had said, with a little giggle.

"Oh wait I'm sorry am I keeping you up?" I had asked. I didn't want to keep her up and I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

"No silly I'm being honest, I don't usually sleep much at night." She had replied.

"Oh, so you have the reversed sleep schedule?" I asked.

"Yup. Sadly" She replied.

"Got it. Well, until I fall asleep wanna just talk till then?" I asked. I really wanted to know more about her.

"I would love to :)" She said.

3rd POV:

Els and Will stay up talking the entire night and eventually fall asleep with each other on vc. They had gotten to know each other a bit more personally. More about their lives, the way they are, what they like, what they don't like, etc. The conversation never ended. Usually Els was super awkward around new people. She would be scared to say the wrong thing, or that they wouldn't like her. But with Will, it was different. She felt that she could actually be herself, and not have to fear anything. It was a warm feeling that Will was giving her, and only by conversating with her. As for Wilbur, he has had his eyes on her since day 1. He had wanted to make her his.

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