Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #46: So...by MolemanNineThousand
I very much hope this piece's lyrics don't ring hollow, but of course it's not like the moon is going to fall from the sky otherwise.
AUDIO: https://soundcloud.com/molem...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #45: Ga...by MolemanNineThousand
The second of two Steven Universe battles collectively occupying the #45 numeric designation within MERB, the initial idea for which was devised long before its counterp...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #45: St...by MolemanNineThousand
The first of a duology of Steven Universe battles, both of which I sincerely wanted to make on their own merits and sharing the #45 designation. This one in particular w...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #44: Ji...by MolemanNineThousand
Originally composed to coincide with the April Fools' 2019, and sort of a "bonus" battle that wasn't part of my long-term plans until a relatively short time b...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #42: Sc...by MolemanNineThousand
The MERB Season 3 finale, and quite possibly the single longest rap battle ever composed; it's over TWICE as long as my own series previously-longest existing battle!

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #41: Tw...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-HbKswqjU8
Part 3 of a Teen Titans-themed triple-feature.

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #41: Se...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu6cAWvrZaI
Truly, the most Mole-ish battle of them all.
Part 2 of a Teen Titans-themed triple-feature.

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #41: Da...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abr0JuD31Zg
Part 1 of a Teen Titans-themed triple-feature.

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #40: Co...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_twfgfbzZ-8
Count Olaf sets out through the multiverse to prove his supremacy amongst all villains, and gets more than he bargaine...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #39: Pi...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC80W7KWwgc
Brace yourselves: Tyrants, trippers, presidents and Winter are ALL coming!

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #38: Er...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5d9xtMdobk
Respect the authority of these emcees; they mean business.

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #37: Ra...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgs-JErrH0k
A particularly resonant clash of rebels against Disney's iron-fisted monopoly on the animated film industry, one an en...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles SPECIAL...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5ynNj3eIiw
The Once-ler's attempts to present a straightforward "News" video regarding upcoming Moleman's Epic Rap Batt...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #36: Pa...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2AAElk3khw
A matchup fueled in significant part by childhood nostalgia on my own part, but featuring just about as many twists as...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #35: Pe...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoKsqu6COyo
Alternative Title: Siegfried Vs. Arthas, Insect Edition

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #34: Ch...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDdLt8aROi4
Moleman's Epic Rap Battles returns from hiatus with this "duel" between the hosts behind insane competitions.

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles SPECIAL...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbI5vjFhIRY
A from-scratch remake of an old matchup that I have never been satisfied with... until now!

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #33: St...by MolemanNineThousand
Police frontman and singer of the stalkeriffic "Every Breath You Take" battles the ultimate symbol of abusive surveillance and oppression, and he brought some...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #32: GL...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFZiKUCVG6Q
A famous evil machine faces an equally-famous slightly-less-evil machine, only for both to be upstaged by the more obs...

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles #31: Ra...by MolemanNineThousand
VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK_p_YHcJ_o
Rango's nemesis from the modern cult classic animated film battles a veteran professional wrestling star over who...