the federation of americas is a superpower nation led by blagoj its main goal is the destruction of the usa and the killing of the elite ghosts after Gabriel rorcke captured logan and was brainwashed to serve the federation the war between the federation and the usa continued as they fought in battles and seeing that their nation will lose under blagoj orderes a portal was to be completed before the war begun and when the usa was closing on them they escaped to a new world now in a new world blagoj plans to destroy the usa or eagle union and capture the grey ghost enteprise and brainwasher to serve the federation and wipeing out the azur lane from the world and the sirens if they threaten the federation after the defeat of the azur lane the federation has endured decades of peace that peace will be shattered when terrorist group known as the white mask threaten the nation now blagoj and logan along with hesh and elias will stop them with the help of rainbow six and their teams one thing is certain a new era has begun for the federation of americas