[Ambys 2022 NA Winner] Ivanna has shared an unconditional love for music throughout her 24 year old life, and being born in a family of musicians, being a third generation singer of her family, the future seemed bright for the young prospect. This was all until Ivanna's health began to crumble. Usher Syndrome - infamous for claiming the hearing and sight of many victims, claims all of her hearing ability and she is now stuck, completely unable to hear the sounds she loves most. Ivanna falls apart, losing her sense of purpose in the world, that is, until she meets the most optimistic musician in the world - Kuyeya. With her refusal to fold under the worst of situations, Kuyeya has a strong faith in the power music holds, and through the time she spends with Ivanna, hopes to restore the faith that she once had in music, despite her inability to hear it. [55 000 Words]
25 parts