Newt for @JazarieTheWeirdo and @Ourimaginatons2468

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This sucks. I was currently at a college party that my friend told me, "You just have to go." So she dragged me along and I sat in the corner, just drinking Sprite. I really don't fit in at parties like this but, somehow I'm here. As I walk around I see Minho. So I decide to scar the 'tough guy.' As I creep up on him a slam my hands down on his shoulders, saying, "I'm gonna separate your body from your head."

"Ahh! What the shuck?! Jazarie? What are you doin' here?" Minho asks, standing up and hugging me. "Well one of my friends bragged me to the party. So here I am." I said, kinda cheerfully. "Well you'll have fun. Promise. Now come on, we got people to see." He said, grabbing my wrist and leading myself and him out, away from the table. "Wait! Where are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see. Come on!" Minho said, dragging my alone while I laughed. So Minho brought me to the other side of the room to meet some of his friends.

When we got over there Minho snaked his arm around my waist. "What the hell Minho?" I asked in a whisper. "These guys are drunk and I really don't think Newt would like if they made a move on you." Minho said back in a whisper. "Oh!!! Minho got a girlfriend. How'd that happen?" On of his friends asked. So Minho went on about how me and Newt met but, used his name.

After staying and talking for a while I finally left and when I got home so did Newt. "Hey. Where were you?" Newt asked. "My friend dragged me out to another party." I said, unlocking the door. "Was Minho there?" He asks, shocking me. "Did he have his arm around you?" Newt asked, now getting angry. "Newt-" "What am I not good enough for you?! Is that why you were flirting with Minho?!!" Newt shouted at me. "Newt his friends were drunk. He said, 'These guys are drunk and I really don't think Newt would like if they made a move on you.' He did it to protect me!" I shouted back at him, slamming my hand down on the table. "What? Lose for words?!" I shouted at him, as he looked down at his feet. I made him look at me. "Newt, I'm never going to cheat on you. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I'd be a fool to let you leave." I said, looking straight into his eyes.

He grabbed my wrist and brought it down and kissed me. It started out soft and easy but, then turned every passionate. He pushed me against the wall and put his hands on either side of my head. My hands wrapped around his neck, moving my hands through his hair. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I teased him by keeping my mouth shut. So he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, still making me gasp. So he took the chance to push his tongue in. Out tongues fought for dominance. His tongues won and explored my mouth. So we stayed that way until I pulled away.

"I know we've going out for a while but, I still want to go slow." I said, moving out of his arms. "Okay. Come on let's go to bed." Newt grabbed my hand and led me to out room. When we got in there he pulled my down next to him and wrapped his arm around my waist again. He spread a blanket over us and he whispered cute little things in my ear until I fell asleep. The last thing I heard was,

"I love you."
I'm so sorry this was so late @JazarieTheWeirdo and @Outimaginations2468 and I'm going to update slow. Sorry I'm just going into a writers block. Everyone's imagines will be up within the next few weeks. Sorry.😔
P.s the reason I put the two names is because they both wanted a Newt imagine where he gets jealous.

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