#8 Your Favorite thing to do Together

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Newt- You two like to cook. He loves to stand behind you and work along with you.

Thomas- You and Thomas love to go down to the lake near your apparent and go fishing. He loves to watch you sit there with the sun reflecting off you perfectly.

Minho- You two will go running and race each other. He'll try but he can't beat you. You occasionally let him win but not every often.

Gally- you two just like to sit around and watch movies like We're The Millers (see what I did there?). He can watch movies all day. You will get up and make lunch and dinner but, he doesn't like you to.

Alby- Alby is a simple man. He usually likes to keep in simple but, with you he'll party all night. You two will make the day and go racing. You'll love the turns and you usually win. He loves to see you having fun playing laser tag or basketball or baseball.( You're a sports kind of girl.)

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