#72 The Wedding Pt. 2

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We knew we wanted a summer wedding, meaning we only had a little over 3 months to plan everything. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed. Thomas's mother came and helped, along with his sister, which was a huge load off. But I still have a lot to do, but Thomas is here to keep me grounded. He's been taking some of the stress, but he did help keep me grounded.

So, after months of planning, and by that I mean 8 weeks of nonstop stress and annoyance by in laws and family, the day had arrived. Everything was perfect, except nothing was perfect. The florist wasn't there yet, the woman who I hired to play the harp was in labor, and one of my bridesmaids was vomiting her guts out in the bathroom. There, in the room, was me. Sitting on the end of the bed, my head in my hands that rested on my legs. "I can't do this!" I said, my voice cracking with fear and terror of something else going wrong. My maid of honor, Kaitlyn, grabbed my hands and forced me to look at her.

"Pull yourself together! You love Thomas. And he loves you. So, don't back out now just because a couple things aren't going perfectly. If you love him enough, you'll remember this as the perfect day." Her voice was calm and soothing. Like soft waves crashing on a beach. I slowly nodded. "Yeah.. yeah, okay." I said, my mind less worried and more focused on Thomas and the wedding. "But what if something happens??" My worry was evident and at the front of my voice. "[Name], calm down. Nothing else is gonna go wrong." Oh how wrong she was.

Newt walked in a couple minutes later, with news. "The priest won't get here for another hour or so, traffic." My body froze up and I felt like vomiting. "Newt, thank you for the update," Kaitlyn said softly. Newt nodded and left the room. "Argh! I can't do this! I just can't!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air. Kaitlyn grabbed my face, gently yet forcefully, and said, "[Name], don't you dare break that man's heart. He's been waiting for this for so long, don't break his heart just because somethings aren't going as planned. You'll still get married and you'll live happily ever after."

I nodded and sucked in a deep breath. After that, everyone waited where they were until the priest came. He stood on the stage, behind his podium and apologized for being late. Thomas had walked out, then music started playing and I knew it was my turn. "You'll be fine," Kaitlyn said before leaving to walk down the isle. 'Calm down. Thomas loves you. You love Thomas. Everything will be just fine.' The common wedding tune began to play and my father grabbed my hand. Our walk had begun. Relatives came from all over the place. It was so beautiful, and some relatives I never even met before!

There, standing in a black and white tux stood Thomas. In all his glory. His smile grew with every step until my father finally gave me away to him. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of [Name] and Thomas. I believe you two have prepared your own vows?" The priest looked at me and I nodded in return. I grabbed Thomas's hands and smiled at him.

"Thomas, 7 years ago when we met. I though you were just some weirdo who enjoyed being the center of attention. But! As we grew closer and as I got to know you, I realized it wasn't that. You love everything and everyone. You're a kind and gentle soul with a gigantic heart. You've never meet a stranger before and you're always meeting new people. That's why I love you. You're unconditionally yourself. You don't care what others will think about you or what you're doing. As long as you're happy, nothing else registers. So, with this ring I vow to never let that part of you die, because that's the man I fell for. You're the man I fell for. And no one else is perfect for me." I slipped the ring in his finger and he began to fidget.

"My vows aren't as beautiful as yours. But they come from my heart. [Name], I met you 7 years, 4 months, 19 days, and about 3 hours ago. I will never forget that you said to me the first time we spoke. "You don't care what they think, do you?" And from then on, I didn't. Because the look in your eyes told me to never listen to what others say about me. I never have and never will because of you and what you've done for me. So, with this ring I vow to never live by what strangers think of me, or ever by what friends think about me. If I'm loved by you, then that's enough for me." He slipped the ring on my finger and the priest spoke once more.

"If anyone should oppose this marriage, speak now or forever hold you piece." Silence. He looked at us and smiled. "By the power vested in my, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Thomas grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a forceful, yet passionate kiss. Our family stood up and cheered, clapping while Newt was whistling. Thomas pulled away and took my hand. "Are you ready?" I nodded and we ran down the isle together, hand in hand as white confetti fell onto us.

At the reception, my mother-in-law and father-in-law greeted us. "We are so happy for you!" She hugged me and Thomas's father gave him a bear hug. "We are so proud of you, Thomas." He turned and looked at me. "And you. Thank you for making our little boy so happy. Please take good care of him." I bowed before them. "It would be my honor."

The night went on smoothly and everything we perfect.

Thomas pulled me away at the end, put onto the balcony. "Today was perfect." I said, looking out at the garden that was tainted Blue from the lights.

"No. It wasn't." Thomas said. I snapped my head to him, worried out of my mind. "W-What?"

"I didn't think that today was perfect. I just though you were perfect."
GUYS! I'm not dead! But I am slowly getting back into writing. (Stupid writers block..) but until then, I'm taking requests for preference if you'd like to see anything I haven't done yet. Feel free to request. I may do all of them, I may just do a couple. It will be a way to update this book until I'm done with the wedding series.

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