#72 The Wedding Pt. 3

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"One word. Nope.

Two. Nope never.

Three. Nope never ever.

Four. Nope never ever again.

Five. Nope never ever again darling.

Six. Nope never again darling, promise.

Seven. Nope never again darling, promise okay?

Eight. Nope never again darling, promise okay? Never.

Seven. Nope never again darling, I promise.

Six. Nope never, you won't be alone.

Five. No one's gonna hurt you.

Four. Not with me around.

Three. I love you.

Two. Yours truly.

One. Gally."

I had everyone in tears, or close to tears. I looked at her and smiled, slipping her ring on to her finger. Then, it was her turn.

"Love: deep affection.

Home: the place where someone lives.

Family: people, or person who makes you feel safe. And who you can share anything and everything with.

Safe haven: a place of refuge or security.

Life: someone's existence

All these things mean you.

Forever they will mean you."

She smiled at me and slipped the ring on my finger.

The priest spoke once we were done. "If anyone has a reason these two should not marry speak now or forever hold your peace." No one did anything as he went on. "Then, in the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I grabbed get wrist and pulled her into a kiss, his arms instinctive wrapped around my neck. When we pulled apart, I kissed her forehead as we walked down the isle together. Off to our new life.


"My darling, my darling
You'll never know
Just how much you mean.
My heart longs for a
Place to be safe in
Where i can be myself
Where could such a place be?
Could a place exist?
Yes, yes it does. 
With you.
There I feel safe.
There i'm protected.
With you,
Nothing can harm me.
For you protect me. 
My darling, my darling
Thank you for everything
I love you."

I smiled at her, her face red and smiling. She looked like she was gonna cry as the ring went on to her finger. I wiped away a stray tear as her prepared to speak.

"I'm all alone here
In my large house
With no one to listen
Or to comfort me
My voice is unheard
They brush me off
Like I'm a immature 5 year old
Delegitimizing my thoughts
But with you is different
I'm happy, truly happy
My smile is true
And my laugh is genuine
With you I'm different
I'm not emotionless
I'm not brutal
I'm not crude
I'm free
I'm safe
I'm home
Home with you
My home isn't a place
It's a person
That's where it is
You know it all
Everything dark part of my soul
For that, I'm speechless
For how could I?
Opening up to someone,
Without realizing what's going on
Without thinking about what could go wrong
But, my darling,
Everything is okay
Better than expected
I'm happier because of you
Because I got the chance
To meet someone like you
What a blessing it's been
To know someone as you
Who I can't let go of.
My life
My safe haven
My smile
My laugh

My home."

She smiled weakly at me, her small hand slipping the ring onto my finger. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. "Should anyone have a reason these two should not marry, speak now or forever hold your peace." As everyone stayed still, the priest went on. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I put a hand on her neck and pulled her into a kiss. She smiled into the kiss and wrapped an arm around my neck. We pulled away as the crowd erupted into cheers. But I couldn't hear anything, just her soft laughter as she looked at me. I grabbed her hand and stared at her.

Something finally hit me.

I was going to spend the rest of my life with this girl.

The girl I keep falling for. Everyday. Harder and harder.
One more in the Wedding Series after this.

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