#31 the secret you keep from him

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You can actually play the guitar well. You've been playing a couple places and only Newt doesn't know.

You are very athletic. You act like you aren't to help him feel dominate in the relationship but in actuality if you two races you would win.

You are very artist. You can draw a detailed picture of him and it looks almost exactly like him. You've only told Newt about your talent.

You are very strong. It might look like you have a fragile body but in actuality you are strong. You don't show it though. Gally has always wanted to make sure he was the one to protect you. So you only told Thomas and Minho about this.

You are terrific with children. While you two don't spend a ton of time with children, when you do you and the children are like Captain America and Liberty. You just go together. And Alby isn't around to see it so only the kids know.
These are terrible and I am truly sorry. Really I am.

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