#15 what you give him for Xmas

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Newt- you give Newt a plane ticket so he can visit his family back in Britain. But Newt didn't go without you so you bought one to and you meet his family for the first time.

Thomas- you give Thomas a Mac Computer and now he has a place to store all the pictures of you two. He will now take about 20 pictures a day with you.

Minho- you give Minho new running shoes. You had them say 'greenie' on them for some reasons and now Minho wears them everywhere.

Gally- you give Gally the surprise of his family that flew out to visit you two. Gally nearly burst out in tears and hugged you about 100 times that day.

Alby- you give Alby a new Xbox. Alby went crazy. He hugged everyone, thanked you about 50 times, and kept kissing you. He said he always wanted an Xbox since he was a little boy.

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