Minho for @cherixcoo

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Minho and greenie, Thomas were now stuck out in the maze. Great just more bodies to be found in the morning. I breathed in and out. Keep it under control. "Chuckie they're not gonna make it back in the morning. Except it." Newt next to me was saying to Chuck. "Newt. Don't." I said to him. He gave me a look that said,'come on they won't make it and you know it.' I just glared right back at him. Of course I knew they wouldn't but I wasn't letting Chuck know that. "Alright everyone lights out!" Newt shouted into the crowd of boys and they all hustled into the rooms. Lord help them survive tonight.

In the morning Chuck was up and over at the Maze doors. "Hey look!" He yelled out to no one in particular. There we saw them. Shuck it! They survived. Thomas and Minho had Alby's arms around their shoulders. "Jeff! Get the grief serum ready!" I yelled and approached the boys. "Give him here." I tell Thomas and he puts Alby's arm over my shoulder. "Okay it's ready." Jeff says to me while handing me the serum. "Okay Thomas, you might want to get out of here." Clint understands and gets him out of the room. I inject the serum into his arm and he relaxes, but not that much. "He'll start the changing in a few hours. We should all get some rest. Especially Minho." And with those words I left the room. Being a medjack I had to stay with Alby through the changing. So I grabbed my dinner and went back to the hut.

"So what happened?" I asked Minho as he walks through the door. "Well we were about to grab the 'dead' griever then it came alive I guess and stung him." Minho looked happy to get that out. "Ah so that's how it happened." "Hey if you need help I'm more than happ-" I cut him off. "Minho I'll be fine. I can take care of him. You just need to keep runnin'." I smiled at him. He gave me a Minho smirk. "Hey gathering. Now." Newt informs us. "Clint! Watch him until I'm back." The medjack nods and Minho and I leave the room.

"Alright in place of our leader, sick in bed I declare this gathering begun." Newt started. "As we all know our greenbean, Thomas-" Gally just had to interrupt. "He's not a greenie anymore he's just a rule breaker now." Gall said in a scratchy voice. "Shuck it Gally!" Newt attacks. "Now we have to decide what to do with him. Cheri your up." Newt tells me. "Well to be honest, I really couldn't care less." And with that I sat back down. "Okay Winston your up." Winston stood up and said," well he broke on of your most important rule. But he also saved Alby. I say throw him in the slammer for a few days." "Okay. Next!" Most of them said slammer or banishment. "Minho." Now it was his turn. "I saw what the kid did so here's my recondition. I nominate this shank to replace me as Keeper of the Runners."

"That's the stupidest idea we've heard so far. He should be kicked off the council for saying something like that!" Gally shout while standing up to face Newt. "Calm down everyone! Minho he's not replacing you as Keeper." Newt says jotting somethings down. "Gally I'm not joking here. He didn't cry,whin, didn't stay in a corner and bawl his eyes out. And while I ran away he stayed with Alby and saved his life." Then we all heard Alby's screams. "Cheri you better get going." Newt tells me. I nod and leave the guy and go over the the medjacks hut. "Clint take my spot in the gathering. Now." He nods and bolts out of the hut.
"Hey Cheri need help?" Minho asks. "Nah I'm good why?" I answered and asked. "Just thought you might need some help." I smiled at him for that. "You something else aren't you?" I ask chuckling. "You gonna get some sleep? Remember you have to run tomorrow." I told him. "I actually wanted to sleep here tonight with you." Minho said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Minho." I said while suppressing a chuckle. "Okay we need to got to bed, well at least you do." He turned me around to look into my eyes. "Well... Good luck girl." And with those words he crashed his lips onto mine.
Okay well sorry this took so long @cherixcoo and hope you liked it!!

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