#6 What You Two Like to do on A Rainy Day

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Newt- you two like to cuddle up under some blankets and watch some movies. Sooner or later you both will fall asleep with your head resting on his shoulder and his head leaning on yours.😴

Thomas- you and him both love to go and dance out in the rain. He'll always twirl you around in his arms and laugh while you playfully punch him in the chest telling him to let you down. 😄

Minho- Minho will go to the store and by things for you to cook with. He'll walk up behind you and start kissing your neck. You'll laugh and push him out of the kitchen. 😂

Gally- Gally will go over and see if your alright. He'll get drenched for you. You always keep a couple of clothes on hand for him. He'll bring over some soup and crackers for you two. He'll always stay with you for the night or two. He can't let something happen to you. He always says your his everything.😍

Alby- Since you two share a apartment he'll drag you out to the balcony and you'll talk for hours. He'll wrap you up and never let you go. He'll let you sleep and when you go to sleep he'll pick you and take you to the bed. *sigh*[ can he get any cuter]😇

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