Lily's and Rose's

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house: doesn't matter huns

blood: half or muggle

year: not in school anymoreeee

y/b/f/n - your best friends name
• • •

you sigh softly as you pour yourself a coffee, taking a small sip thinking about everything that was on your mind.

that was of course interrupted when your best friend and roommate came out with a face filled with shock carrying the bin bag from the bathroom

"y/n?" y/b/f/n asks

crap. you think mentally scolding yourself for forgetting to take the trash out last night.

you hastily put down the coffee and look at her

"uh yes?" you say a little too nervously for your liking

"so uh i was going to you know take the bins out and i saw something rather interesting in there" y/b/f/n says

"oh yeah? what was that?" you ask trying not to look her in the eye

"pregnancy test?" she questions taking it out the bag "a positive one"

"oh! how interesting!!" you say pretending to be shocked "congratulations!!!"

she pulls a face "it's not mine"

you glance at her "are you sure?" you squeak desperate to avoid the situation

"do i not look sure?" she questions "are you pregnant?"

you begin to fiddle with your fingers not knowing how to get out of this "well i mean if it's not yours then you know maybe" you laugh nervously

"y/n" she drops the bag and goes over to you "are you pregnant?"

"it's a long story-" you begin but stop when you see the look on her face "so uh to sum it up yeah i guess i am"

"you guess?" she asks

"well you know these things aren't exactly accurate all the time" you joke

"why didn't you just use magic?" she asks

"because we're in the muggle world" you say

"oh right yeah ok so were you going to take another one?" shes presses

"no.. yes.. i don't know maybe?" you say starting to feel a little emotional "i don't know it's just too much to handle right now"

"okay well let's say you definitely are, who's the father" she asks

you pause again "uh i don't know" you lie if she knew it would put you in another awkward situation

"yes you do" she says "i know when you lie!!" she says making you roll your eyes

"i just want to tell him first if it's even true" you tell her "i can't risk him hearing it from anyone that isn't me"

"fair enough" she says "come on let's get another test and we'll do it together okay?"

"i mean sure but i already have one" you tell her

"oh, okay then well no time to waste come on" she smiles dragging you to the bathroom

"ok but what if it's positive, how am i supposed to do this!!" you panic

"i'll be by your side y/n i promise" she says

you take in a deep breath "okay"

half an hour later you were pacing the bathroom

"are you going to look?" y/b/f/n asks

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