he's back pt 2

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house: literally doesn't matter

blood status: again your choice

year: after hoggy 🎉

a/n: so a part two of this was requested by a few people so i've conjured up a storyline! if you want to re-read part one please feel free however it's not really that important, it's a new storyline but just with the same family. anyways ENJOY! 🤍

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you move lazily as the morning sun pools through the curtains, you opened one eye slightly to see what time it was


you decide it wasn't worth waking up just yet, it was the weekend, both Scorpius and Cristal were still asleep after last nights long fiasco of nightmares and monsters under the beds, so you turned over and snuggled into your husband who you thought was asleep but in reality he was merely dosing.

it had been just over 8 months since Draco came home after spending 6 months in America because of his work, since then he had spoken to his work and told them he didn't want to be sent over seas again especially while his kids are still very young to which they accepted, thankfully.

it was now coming up to Cristal's 2nd birthday and since he had missed her 1st, Draco was very eager to help you with the planning.

when you felt Draco put his arms around you, you peaked up at him to see him looking at the time before looking down at you
"morning love"

you smile at him "how long have you been awake?"

"about half an hour, i didn't want to wake you" he replied yawning a little

you were about to reply when you both heard a thudding from the room next to yours indicating someone was also awake which meant it was only a matter of minutes before the other one awoke too

"i guess it's breakfast time then" you say slowly sitting up only to be pulled back down again

"shh they don't know we're awake yet" Draco whispers with a grin

"that's not going to stop them from storming in here because they're hungry" you giggle

and right on cue the bedroom door opened and a half awake Cristal came walking in, her hair sticking in a fuzzy mess and her blanket over her shoulder

"told you" you say as your daughter reached your bed reaching up her arms to Draco as she was too short to climb up onto the bed herself

Draco reached down to pick her up before placing her in between you both watching her as lay back down, snuggling into her father

you shake your head at his smirk "say nothing" you warn jokingly

"i wasn't going to say anything!" Draco replies innocently "unlike you who boasted day in day out when Scorp turned into a mummy's boy"

you roll your eyes but smile "i was allowed to boast after all it was me who had to carry him for nine months and then give birth to him"

knowing he couldn't really argue back with that, Draco just hugged Cristal a little tighter than he already was "shh our little girl is trying to sleep"

you laugh lightly at his cheap escape comeback and get out of bed "what do you want for breakfast?"

"i don't mind love" Draco replies softly

you exit the bedroom and open the door to your son's room, who was playing with some toys on his bed, he looked over at you and smiled brightly causing your heart to melt

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