that time again

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year: any it doesn't matter tbh

house: 🐍🐍🐍

blood status: pureblood (not that it actually matter for this chapter aldksksld)

warnings: bad bad words tut tut

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you sigh softly as you stare at the ceiling of Draco's private dorm, waiting for him to finish doing his homework, you had finished yours about 10 minutes ago but he was still sat at his desk doing his, not saying a word.

he always wanted to get it done before the weekend started but you had a shitty day today not to mention mother nature decided to pay a visit so you were in a lot of pain and just wanted his attention but you weren't getting it.

"Draco?" you ask to which he ignored

"Draco" you say a little louder, still no answer

"Dray" you heard him let out a small sigh but still didn't respond to you




he drops his quill and turns around to face you
"what is it my love?"

"come over here" you say with a hint of plead in your voice

"i'm almost done love" he chuckles

"so you can take a break and go back to it later" you say sitting up on his bed

"we both know that won't happen" he remarks and turns back around

you huff a little getting of the bed and going straight over to him, sitting on his lap, resting your head on the crook of his neck

he placed a small kiss on your head before continuing writing while you fiddled with your nails, just silently enjoying being near him or in your case on him.

around 20 minutes later he finished his homework and wrapped both his arms around you

"what's wrong baby?" he asked knowing something must of happened to cause you to be so clingy

"just a shitty day" you reply

"why what happened?"

you shrug "nothing in particular just one of those days" you say and collapse back onto his bed wincing a little at the pain that shot through you which didn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend who frowned

"what exactly has gone wrong today then?" he asked

you shrug feeling a meltdown coming on again for the third time today "shitty lessons, loads of homework, i forgot to do that reading for potions and then just to top it off lunch was awful serving tuna sandwiches" your ramble sitting up

"i don't even like fish!!!" you exclaim as tears fell out your eyes

"woah woah don't get upset babe" Draco said coming over to you

"everything has just gone wrong for me today!!!" you sob feeling him sit next to you and take you into his arms

he had a hunch what was really the problem and found it a little amusing how you blamed everything but the real reason

"calm down love no need to waste tears over this" he said soothingly

you pull away from him and wipe your tears away "i know"

"anyway dinner is in 10 minutes and it could be something nice to make up for lunch so just think about that" he said trying to make you a little happier

"or it could be something gross again" you whine

he smiled and stood up pulling you up with him "come on you, let's get some food inside you"

dinner wasn't too bad but you didn't eat much just because you didn't feel well however pudding went down a storm, it was now later on in the evening and you were in Draco's private bathroom after having a shower

you were still in a lot of pain and it was really starting to aggravate you how the pain wasn't going anywhere, you could use a spell but it was a little dodgy and pain killers just were not working.

you came out in your pjs looking glum making Draco raise an eyebrow "what's up now?"

you sat on the edge of his bed and let out a shaky breath "it hurts"

"what hurts?" he asked

you shrug not wanting to tell him it was that time of month "it just really hurts" you say breaking down again

"is it that time of month?" he asks sitting next to you

you look down and nod slightly

"i figured" he mumbled and went to his wardrobe where he got a whole load of chocolate and sweets and placed them on the bed

"what's this?" you ask looking at it all

"i've prepared for the moment, now pick a movie, get into bed and i'll get you a hot water bottle" he smiled "and no more crying your pretty face only deserves happiness on it"

you beamed and went over and picked your favourite movie and put it in the tv before getting into bed. soon after Draco returned and passed you the hot water bottle and joined you into bed where you snuggled into him as he started the movie

"thank you" you whisper

"anything for my girl" he replied planting a kiss on your head as you opened a chocolate bar

today may have been an awful day but it ended in the best way possible and you were so grateful for your boyfriend.


1st of February already daymnnnnnn😳😳

hope you're all doing well & staying safe!!

send in requests if you have any!

lots of love & thank you for your comments and for reading it means the world!!💜💜💜

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