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okay i know it's been months but we hereeeee 😂

house: slytherin we love to see it

blood: like why do i even put this here it's not important

year: 6 [half blood prince] yes i love to use this year no idgaf <3

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there was a noticeable difference in Slytherin's popular couple. the difference being they weren't speaking to each other. word got around pretty quickly that you and Draco had very obviously split and by day two of the new year, rumours were circulating throughout Hogwarts.

you hated it. you had always been somewhat of a private person. it was bad enough that when you were together everyone wanted to know every last detail of your relationship and now they were wanting to know what happened.

the only person you confided in was your best friend, who was equally as shocked when you explained your version of events.

you wasn't sure what had happened. where it went wrong. everyone knew you and Draco were inseparable. you were obsessed with each other. you knew a whole other side to him that he never showed anyone, he never treated you wrong.

so when he ended the relationship over the summer, giving you no explanation at all, just telling you it was over, you were heartbroken and confused.

"have you seen him?" y/b/f asked as you walked to the great hall for breakfast

it had been months now, Christmas break had ended a few days ago. the first Christmas break you spent without Draco since your third year.

"no not really, if i do he acts like i'm not even there"

"i don't get it, i did him whispering to Blaise the other day, do you think he knows what's happened?" y/b/f wondered

you sighed dropping your fork on your plate "this is Blaise we're talking about, even if he did i doubt he would tell us, especially if Draco's asked him not to"

"yeah but it's worth the shot, you deserve to know what's happened" y/b/f urged

"no i just want to move on, i'm so much better than getting all depressed over a man.. even if i am totally in love with his dumb ass"

y/b/f sent you a sympathetic look before sighing "it's up to you, i think you should get closure at least before you can move on, i know you"

"alright maybe later just not yet, i'm not overly ready to speak about it yet" you tell her


later on that evening, y/b/f walked into the common room to find Blaise and Draco whispering as usual, she shook her head at the pair and cleared her throat making the two boys jump.

"oh, alright y/b/f? how are you?" Blaise asked recovering quickly

she narrowed her eyes at the pair of them knowing they were up to something "what are you two gremlins whispering about?"

"uh homework.. nothing too important" Blaise said shifting a little under y/b/f's hard stare. Draco remained totally unfazed and just stared into the fire.

y/b/f nodded, not believing a single word that came out of his mouth
"look i don't know what's going on with you both at the minute but quite frankly it's pissing me off"

Draco rolled his eyes "just leave it"

y/b/f's eyes snapped to Draco's "and don't even get me started on you!"

Draco turned his attention to y/b/f, glaring at her a little "not now y/b/f"

"no you don't get to dictate when we talk about how much of an ass you've been to y/n" y/b/f snapped

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