love potion

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house: you choose :)

blood status: you choose

year: 4 [goblet of fire]

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Your POV

I was currently in potions looking at the Amortentia that's was in front of me and my bestfriend Draco Malfoy who was next to me playing with one of the glass beakers.

the teacher was going on about what we had to do and what we had to write down after sniffing the potion.

"Okay class you may now begin" the teacher announced "and remember write down your notes!" he said looking at me making Draco snicker and me roll my eyes

"i swear he hates me" i mumbled

"it's kinda funny i won't lie" Draco said

i glared at him "whatever Malfoy"

Draco pointed to the potion "ladies first" he smirked

i rolled my eyes and leant forward and then looked back at Draco

"will you lean back all i can smell is your cologne" i said

"i'm not wearing any" he argued

"well you must be because i can smell it" i said

"i think i'd know if i was wearing cologne" he said rolling his eyes

i sighed "just go back"

he held his hands up and stepped back but when i smelled it again i could still smell his cologne and was about to complain again but i got a waft of something else.

green apples.

i stepped back confused

"what?" he asked

"nothing. your turn" i said

he gave me an odd look and went over to the cauldron and after a few seconds looked at me

"what?" i asked

"all i can smell is your perfume" he said "so step away" he said ushering me away

"i'm not even wearing-" i started

"let me guess you're going to tell me you're not wearing perfume and then we're going to have the same little bicker again so just skip to the part where you step back" he said smirking

i rolled my eyes "well while you do that i'm going to the toilet that way i'll be no where near you" i smirked back and asked to go before leaving still confused by why i smelt what i smelt in that potion.

Draco POV

even after y/n left i could still smell her perfume and a waft of strawberries. i sighed not knowing what it meant. maybe it was wrong.

eventually y/n returns and sits back down

"are you done?" she asked and i nodded

"well what did you smell?" she asked

i shrugged "a bunch of stuff to be honest" i lied

"yeah me too" she replied grabbing her book and quill before flicking her hair behind her where i caught a waft of strawberries and i paused for a second that's when it clicked

i smelt.. y/n??

but she's my bestfriend there's no way i've fallen in love with my bestfriend.

1 year later

it's been a year since the whole love potion revelation and i was now sure that i love y/n. i literally loved everything about her. the way she always plays with a strand of her hair when she's reading something or how she always has a sarcastic comment for everything or when she smiles she literally lights up the entire room or how at breakfast she barely eats anything because she's too busy napping on the table.

she is the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on and i can't believe it took a love potion to open up my eyes to realise that. 

however now i was lumbered with these feelings and didn't know what on earth to do with them.

i was afraid to tell her just in case she didn't feel the same and then i could lose her all together or it would just be awkward

but then there was the off chance that she did feel the same and we'd be happy together but i wasn't sure if it was worth the risk.

"what are you thinking about?" y/n asked softly

we were both sat in the library getting some homework done which probably wasn't helping my situation but what can you do?

"nothing" i reply looking back at my homework

y/n must have shrugged it off because when i glanced at her a few seconds later she was deep in thought about the homework, biting her lip softly as she flipped a page over

she was driving me insane and she didn't even realise.

later on in the week i was sure that i was going insane so i tried to avoid y/n as much as i could pin hopes that these feelings would die down but y/n noticed because she cornered me one afternoon demanding for answers

"Please tell me what's going on" she pleaded with me

"i already told you i'm fine" i told her

"no you're not you've been acting all kinds of bizarre lately" she pushed

"trust me you don't want to know" i said and started to walk away

"Draco Lucius Malfoy you do not get to just walk away from me!" she called

"i can't be around you!!" i blurted out realising i wasn't going to be getting out of this any time soon

"what's that supposed to mean?!" y/n asked walking over to me

"IM IN LOVE WITH YOU GOD DAMN IT" i shouted making her flinch slightly

y/n just stood there in shock clearly not knowing how to process what i just told her

"i've got to go" i say quickly turning away from her

"no wait" she says grabbing my hand making me look at her

"i love you too" she says with a small smile

"you're lying" i say a little sadly

"no i'm not! last year when we were doing that love potion and i accused you of standing too close because all i could smell was you and that's when i realised" she explains

that's when it clicked, that day we smelt eachother.

"and i did the same thing with you" i smile happily cupping her cheek

she smiled and nodded and we both leaned in and shared a kiss i've been waiting for a whole year for.

i finally got my girl. all because of a love potion.


ok so that ending was messy i'm sorry :/

BUT WE MOVE hope you're all having a lovely day!❤️

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