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house: your choice

blood status: your choice

year: 6 [half blood prince]

warnings: naughty language (i'm soRRy my slytherin jumped out)

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Your POV

rumours. never fun, especially when they're about you. like the one at the minute going round that my relationship with my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, was on the rocks.

and what's worse is that it was slightly true.

Draco had be acting strange since the start of the year and i had no idea why. he was distant from everyone including me. i've tried to get him to tell me what's bothering him but he just brushes it off with the "i'm fine" phrase. when we hung out he was quiet and barely showed any affection anymore. but i knew it wasn't me. we've been together for coming up to three years and i think he forgets how well i actually know him.

but lately it was my turn to be distant after me and my brother Brandon got into a fight the other day and now he wasn't talking to me either so i guess at this minute i was just feeling hella alone.

i was currently in the library putting some books away i had used for homework when Pugface Parkinson came up to me

"is it true?" she asked

i sighed and looked at her
"is what true?"

"that you and Draco are close to breaking up" she sneered

i was about to reply when someone else did it for me

"no we're fine, but thanks for the concern" Draco said coming up behind me

i glanced up and him and then looked back at Pansy who was still here

"bye" i snapped waving her away

she pulled a face and sulked off

"are you ok" he asked me

"i'm fine" i replied putting the last book away and walked off

"really because you've been distant lately" he replied following me

i scoffed "really? i've been the distant one?" i said looking at him

"well yeah" he shrugged

"god you really are an arse sometimes" i huffed

"meaning?" he asked sharply

"Draco, when was the last time you actually had a proper conversation with me? the last time we kissed? the last time we just hung out? because i don't remember at this point. yeah i admit i've had a shitty few days which is why i've been distant with everyone but you've been acting like this for weeks now" i snap

"y/n.." he started

"no Draco. i'm your girlfriend and i know something has been bothering you but you won't tell me what even though i've asked you multiple times" i said suddenly realising we were outside and i stopped and looked at the floor
"it's killing me that whatever it is that's bothering you, you can't tell me about it" i said quietly

"i'm not telling you because i'm scared you'll hate me and then i'll lose you" he said with a sigh

i looked at him "you're losing me by not telling me"

"i figured that would be better than you hating me" he said quietly

i sat down on one of the steps and he soon followed and i gazed out at the view of the lake in the distance

"it's our three year anniversary next week" i said after a while

"i know" he replied softly

well that wasn't the answer i was expecting. to be honest i thought he forgot all about it but knowing he hadn't forgot made my anger calm down.

"me and Brandon had a fight the other day and he hasn't spoke to me since that's why i've been acting up" i said after a few minutes playing with a stone

i felt him looking at me "about what?"

i shrugged "several things"

"he'll come round he always does" Draco said taking the stone out my hand and putting it back on the floor

"y/n, i want to tell you what's been going on but i don't want to put you in danger" he said after a while

i looked at him and took his hands into mine
"when will you learn, i don't care about that i just want my boyfriend back"

"that's the problem! you don't care about getting hurt!" he argued "well i do and the thought of losing you terrifies me i don't know how i'd live without you in my life, i love you so much and i won't let you die because of me" he said squeezing my hands

"Draco what is it?" i asked with tears filling up my eyes

he sighed and let go of my hands and lifted up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark

"it happened over the summer, but i didn't want to do it y/n i swear to you" he said quickly

i took his arm gently and looked at it in horror

"that's not all though" he said

i looked at him to see a worried expression on his face
"what?" i asked

"i've been told to kill Dumbledore" he replied

a few tears fell out my eyes as i took in the information

"y/n... say something please" he pleaded

i let go of his arm and entwined our fingers together and looked at him
"then do it" i said quietly

"what?" he asked clearly expecting a different answer

"well i know they'll kill you if you don't and as much a Dumbledore is an incredible wizard and headmaster i'd pick you over him any day" i said "what you said about your fears of losing me well that's how i feel about you. i don't care about the dark mark or you know who all i care about is you and i know your heart isn't in this"

he smiled and leaned in a kissed me softly with so much love and passion that my heart melted. it was the first time in weeks since we had kissed like that we pulled away and he kept his forehead on mine

"i don't deserve you y/n" he said

i smirked and looked at him
"obviously no one else would put up with your crap" i laughed and he smiled hitting my arm lightly

"i don't know what will happen after this year but just know one thing" he starting

"and what's that one thing" i asked with a smile

"that when this is all over, i'll marry you." he said


i enjoyed this one lolll love a good argument

Hope you're all having a lovely day/evening ❤️

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