he's back

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house: doesn't matter but you can still pick if you want x

blood-status: anyyyyy

year: like 7 years after hogwarts :)

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You sighed as you heard more yelling from the lounge which was coming from your five year old son, Scorpius

you put down the plate you were washing up and go into the room to see Scorpius trying to take back his toy that his one year old sister, Cristal had taken from him

"Mummy tell her to give it back!!!" Scorpius whined at you once he noticed your presence

you shake your head at your grinning baby and gently take the toy off her

"Scorp she's only 1 she doesn't quite understand yet, just leave your toys in your room for now" you tell him giving him his toy back

"but what do i do downstairs" he complained

"you have a whole unit of things you can do and a big back garden you can use" you say as he follows you back out into the kitchen and puts on his shoes before going outside

you finish washing up and glance down at the two silver bands on your left finger and gently sigh, missing your husband more than ever.

later on after you had put Cristal to sleep, you were reading to Scorpius getting him settled for the night, once you were finished he had a sad look about him

"what's wrong baby?" you ask taking his little hand into yours

"the book had a happy family" he says sadly

"yeah i know?" you said confused

"it just made me miss daddy more" he says letting a few tears fall which made your heart break a little

"i know, i miss him too, but he'll be home soon i promise we only have to wait a few more days" you assure him wiping his tears off his little face

"i love you mummy" he says as you tuck him into bed

"i love you too Scorp" you tell him placing a kiss on his head before leaving the room to head to your own bedroom to quietly grab your phone without waking up Cristal and head downstairs to collapse on the sofa and called Draco because you just needed to hear his voice

he picked up pretty much immediately making you smile
"hey baby, everything ok?" he asked with a hint of worry

"everything's fine i just missed your voice" you say

"i know i'm sorry this whole thing has taken longer than expected" he replied it sounded like he was somewhere busy as it was loud on the other end of the phone

"well it's only a few more days right?" you ask hoping his work hadn't asked him to stay back more

"yes only a few more days and not a day more" he says

"where are you? it sounds busy" you ask curiously

"oh just a shopping mall, wanted to get stuff for you and the kids" he replies "how are they?"

"they're okay, bored but okay, Scorp misses you though he had a little moment just now" you tell him

"i'll be home soon i promise you, i've been away for too long and it's not fair on you or the kids" he says sadly

you smile through the phone "i love you"

"i love you more, i better go, sleep well darling" he says gently

"i'll try, see you soon" you say and hang up the phone feeling a little happier but your heart ached more

Draco's work had him and a few others move to America for 3 months however them 3 months quickly turnt into 6 months and you both hated it. maybe him more especially after he missed Cristal's first birthday

you made your way upstairs to get ready for bed and as soon as your head hit the pillow you feel asleep dreaming about the day he comes back to you.

the next morning you were awake at half 6 courtesy of Cristal and got round to doing your daily routine of breakfast time with two small children, after the stress of all that was over you managed to get them in front of the tv where they both happily watched some tv program while you were trying to tidy up a bit until you heard a car door shut outside your house causing your heart to stop

you quickly made your way to the front door and look out the little window seeing the man you've missed for 6 months speaking to the driver, you quickly open up the door making him look at you and smile washing over his face

you could feel your tears quickly forming in your eyes and you quickly ran to his open arms and threw your own arms around his neck as he spun you around happily
"hey baby" he whispered

"hi!!! what are you doing here?" you whispered happily pulling away from him

"i kind of lied yesterday, i was at the airport when you rang, i told them i was going home wether they liked it or not, 6 months is far too long and i didn't want to be away from my family any longer" he explained stroking your cheek

"i can't believe you're actually here" you smiled

"and i'm not going anywhere" he says pulling you into a kiss, one you've been craving for so many months

"where are the little ones?" he asks

"watching tv, i'll go get them" you grin and run back inside making your way to the lounge and sit next to the both

"guess what?" you ask them happily as Cristal crawled onto your lap

"what?" Scorpius asked

"daddy's home" you smile

Scorpius looked at you with wide eyes "daddy's home?" he asked

you nod "he's out the front"

"daddy?" Cristal said in her little voice looking around for him

Scorpius jumped up and ran to the front door you and Cristal following behind

"DADDY!!!!" Scorpius screamed happily as he ran outside

when Cristal noticed him she started giggling and clapping her hands as she bounced in your arms

"hey little man!!!" Draco smiled as he picked his son up who was crying with happiness as he wrapped his arms around his dad's neck

you made your way over too them making Cristal squeal and Draco smiled at her, taking her little hand "hello my baby girl"

he put Scorpius down and took Cristal into his arms and you smile at the sight of your family back together again

later on that evening all of you had fallen asleep during a movie, well apart from Draco who was silently watching his family peacefully sleep, he had Cristal curled up in his arms, Scorpius sat half on your lap half on his as his head rested on your chest and you were resting on Draco's shoulder an arm wrapped around his free arm and your other arm over Scorpius' lap and Draco smiled to himself

happy he was home finally with the three people he loved more in this earth and he knew that he was never going to leave your sides ever again.

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a whole ass family imagine HOW DIFFERENT!!

i'm sorry if i scared y'all into thinking Draco was dead akdksmskskdm i realised this as i re read through it so SORRY!!!!!

see you beauties soon!!! :)

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