bells & confetti pt 2

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just 30 minutes..

well they went by quickly and before you knew it you were walking down the aisle slightly praying not to trip over as you clung onto your fathers arm, you then spotted both of Draco's parents in the crowd, Narcissa you knew was coming but you didn't expect Lucius to show up considering everything

that's when your eyes drifted to Draco as he softly smiled at you in awe as your father handed you to him, you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding once Draco had your hand

"you're beautiful" Draco whispered to you and you sent him a smile, calming down more now as the ceremony began

as the service went on it now came to the moment you were most worried about, the vows. since you and Draco decided to do your own you were praying it was good enough but then once you looked at Draco all your worries melted away, feeling like it was just you and him in the room

he took your hand into his and smiled and then begun his speech

"y/n, when i first met you, we were just young kids excited to go to this magical school, never in a million years did i think i would be lucky enough to have someone like you to fall in love with, you're so kind, unbelievably beautiful and definitely know how to put me back in my place, i can't wait to share the rest of my life with you and i promise to make you as happy as i can till the very last breath i take"

you beamed at him feeling your heart melt as he wiped some tears that had fallen onto your face away, you take a moment to gather before you then begin your vows

"Draco, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, even though you were an arse to start with and i pretty much hated you, you showed me a whole other side to you, the real you and i knew i was in trouble, now i don't want to ramble too much before this make up is officially ruined but i love you with my whole heart and i'll continue to love you for forever and a day as we go through this crazy journey together"

you could hear your mothers quiet sobs from the crowd as Draco smiled and kissed your hand softly

after a few moments the rings were slipped onto both of your finger's and then the sentence you had been dreaming of was finally said

"i now pronounce you as Mr and Mrs Malfoy"

after the ceremony and all the confetti had been chucked onto you both, everyone made their way to the venue for tonight's meals & party

you had changed into a long white silk dress which fitted your figure perfectly ready for the after party

you had managed to speak to most people briefly to thank them all for coming until you were dragged away by your group of friends

"y/n you look so beautiful i'm so happy for you!!!" Ginny squealed

"yes it was completely perfect!! congratulations!" Hermione smiled and you pulled them both into a hug

"yeah but i couldn't have done with without you two so thank you" you say to them both

"y/n i must say this buffet it incredible!" Ron smiled coming over with a mountain on his plate

"Ronald how are you still hungry after the three course meal we had literally two hours ago?" Hermione asked in disgust making Ginny laugh

"oh how excited i am for your wedding" she teased as Harry joined her side

"congratulations y/n it was beautiful" Harry smiled giving you a kiss on the cheek

"thank you all for coming, it means the world to me" you smile at them all

"of course we were always gonna come even if it was that you were marrying our childhood bully" Ron joked

"oh y/n darling you are just beautiful!!!!" Mrs Weasley cooed pulling you into a tight hug

"thank you" you smiled as she pulled away and Mr Weasley gave you a kiss on the cheek

when Mrs Weasley saw Ron stuffing his face she sighed and looked at you "no surprise he's dug into the buffet"

"definitely not" you grin and separate yourself from the group to grab a drink

you look at the selection before deciding on champagne, taking a sip and smiling satisfied with your choice

"considering it's our wedding i feel like you're the person i've seen least"

you turn around to see your smiling husband

"i know but we have the rest of our lives now" you smile putting your drink down

"have i told you how beautiful you are" he asked pulling you into his arms

you pretend to think about an answer as you wrap your arms round his neck and grin
"eh you've mentioned it a few times"

he smiles and pecks you on the lips
"that's because it's true, Mrs Malfoy"

"why thank you, Mr Malfoy" you grin and kiss him softly never wanting to leave his side ever again but unfortunately for you Ginny had other ideas

"come on you, you've got a life time to do that" she smirks pulling you away to the dance floor

Draco grabbed a glass of champagne and smiled as he watched you laughing along with your friends

"congratulations son"

Draco looked next to him to see his father had joined his side before turning his gaze back to you

"i'm glad i came, even if i am surrounded by these people" Lucius said causing Draco to sigh

"father not now please, it's my wedding" he said sipping his champagne watching you dance with Ginny

"i know and i just want you to know that i'm sorry for not accepting your relationship sooner, i can see how happy she makes you, more than me or your mother ever did, so i know i'm late but i'm happy for you both and can't wait to see where this life takes you both" Lucius said patting his son on the shoulder

Draco smiled at him "thank you father"

Lucius nodded and went back to join Narcissa who sent her son a smile and Draco mouthed her a thank you knowing it was her doing to urge his father to say something

you manage to slip away from the dance floor and go back over to Draco wrapping your arms round his torso as he put his free arm around you

"father said he's happy for us by the way" Draco says smiling down at you

you look at him in shock "really?"

"yep, i think mother might have had something to do with it though"

you laugh "you're probably right"

~ ~

you and Draco finally make it to the honeymoon suit in the hotel and both crash onto the bed completely knackered from yesterday's events as it was currently almost 4am

you roll onto your front and lean on your elbows looking at your husband
"i can't believe it's over"

"i know all that planning and it just flew by" he agreed

"now we're just.. married" you say thoughtfully

he smirks at you and sits up "please don't sound too excited"

you roll your eyes at him and sit up too
"of course i'm excited to have married you"

he smiled and kissed you with all the love in the world making your heart flutter as your lips moved perfectly with each other

and then the rest of the night of love progressed from there before you both fell asleep in each other's embrace as the sun started to rise to start the new day

the day the rest of your lives began.


if i could marry Draco Malfoy that would be great🥰

hope you all enjoyed!!

let me know if anyone has any requests they would like me to do!!!

thank you!❤️

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