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house: slytherin

blood status: your choice :)

year: 6 [half blood prince]

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you woke up at around 10am with the worlds worst fever you groaned as you realised school had already started so you just decided to try to fall back asleep which didn't take too long

it was now after lunch and your boyfriend Draco Malfoy was concerned, he had other stuff on his mind that he hadn't told you about yet but he still made you his top priority so when he hadn't seen you all day or in lesson he grew more and more worried so he decided to skip the final two lessons to try and find you.

he headed to the girls dorm in the Slytherin common room and gently knocked on the door, when he didn't hear a response he opened it and saw the love of his life wrapped in several blankets as well as her duvet, she was sweating slightly and her cheeks were a rosey colour, there were several tissues on the floor and on the bed

he went over and felt her forehead which was burning up by the second

he shook his girlfriend gently to wake her up
"y/n? baby wake up"

you open your eyes slowly and smile slightly at the sight of your worried boyfriend
"hey" you say weakly

"are you ok?" he asked concerned "you're burning up"

"it's ok it's just some fever" you say slowly sitting up your head throbbing

"you're overheating you need to take some of these blankets off" he says slightly panicked

"but it's cold" you pout

"you look like you've just come out of a sauna just take one off" he says gently

you sigh and take one off dropping it on the floor

"i take it you've had no food today?" he asked

you shook your head and he used his wand to conjure up some soup and bread with a glass of water and some pain killers

"try and eat some of this so you can take the pain killers" he said and you nodded and he made his way to the door

"where are you going" you ask quickly

he turned to face you with a smile finding your worry of him leaving you adorable "im just getting something from my room i'll be back in a sec"

you nod and he leaves and you smiled to yourself. you've only been ill one other time while with Draco and he took great care of you, he always has. you were so grateful to have such a caring boyfriend by your side no matter what.

you finished what you could which wasn't a lot and took the pain killers and he came back a few minutes later with a flannel, he moved the tray out the way and sat next to you wrapping one arm around you and you cuddled into him as he dabbed you're forehead with the cool flannel which felt very refreshing.

"thank you" you say quietly

"you don't need to thank me you're my girlfriend" he replies placing a kiss on top of your head

"yeah i know but you could have just taken me to the hospital wing" you giggle

"well that's not going to be helpful in the future when we're married and you come down with something" he replied

you blush slightly grateful that your cheeks were slightly red in the first place, you both had never really discussed the future but you often thought about it

"excuse me sir i don't recall agreeing to be your wife" you joke

"sorry babe it's non negotiable" he smirks back "are you feeling better?"

"yeah i am" you smile feeling your headache die down and not feeling as cold anymore "all thanks to you" you say poking him

he puts down the flannel and wraps his other arm around me
"i'm glad" he says as we sit there just enjoying eachothers company

"by the way, i can't wait to be your wife" you say with a smile

he grins at me "i just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, regardless on how ill you are"


slightly shorter than the rest but thought it was a cute idea yano? :)

i've decided to open requests so if you have any ideas you would like message me!
you can decide if you want the chapter in your own name or secret :)

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