i hate you

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house: anything but slytherin I KNOW IM SORRY

blood: pureblood

year: 6 [half-blood prince] my favourite film to base imagines i know🤣🤣

y/l/n - your last name

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today had been the worst day of your life- well pretty close to it. not only had you all been set a massive project in Potions that was an important part of your grades but also Draco Malfoy had been assigned as your partner. Draco Malfoy, the guy who you hated.

and the feeling was mutual on his behalf, he was not impressed with Slughorn at all for pairing you with him, the only good thing about it was that you were also just as smart as he was.

it was very awkward between the both of you, everyone else in the lesson had no problem discussing what Potion they were going to brew up, you two however, sat in silence flicking through books.

he shoved a book into your view, you look at the title

"Murtlap Essence?" you say raising an eyebrow

"yes. it soothes and heals cuts-"

"yes i know what it does Malfoy" you say rolling your eyes "my point is that it's a pain to make"

he scoffed "i'm aware of how hard it is but i want a good grade"

"fine" you mumble as Slughorn dismisses the class

"meet me outside the great hall after dinner and we'll get started, the quicker it's done the quicker i don't have to be around you anymore" he says with his famous smirk

you send him a very sarcastic smile as you pick up your bag, making a very swift exit.

the rest of the day went around fine, when dinner came you spent the entirety of it stressing about starting the potion with Draco.

you both met up after dinner and found an empty classroom and silently started on making the potion.

half an hour later it was brewing calmly and you both sat there in silence stirring it every now and then.

"never known you to be so quiet" he says suddenly with a slight scoff

"i've got nothing to say to you" you reply quietly

"everyone has something to say to me" he replied back cockily

"well i don't so that's not everyone is it" you snap

"aren't you still with that loser?" he asked changing the subject

"none of your business" you shoot back

"you are aren't you?" he mocked

you sigh and roll your eyes

"no hold on if you were you would have moaned at me for calling him a loser" he says thoughtfully

you turn to face the potion pretending to check if it was ok not wanting to give him the satisfaction "why the hell do you care?!"

"oh i don't" he says simply "just making conversation"

"i don't want you to make conversation" you snap

he rolled his eyes at your comment "no need to be so touché y/l/n"

"then quit prying into my life" you shoot back

he watched you as you leaned over to stir the potion again, you actually were really quiet pretty, he hadn't really taken much notice to you before just for the simple fact that he had never liked you because you were literally the only girl in Hogwarts who wasn't trying to get his attention all the time, well other than Granger of course, he hated that he had no effect or power over you whatsoever.

but now he was only just noticing just how well you had grown into your features, your eyes were bright yet warm, your hair was always fairly neat.

he shook his head getting these thoughts out of his head.

"he cheated didn't he?" Draco asks you making you sigh as you look at him with a rather tired expression on your face

"what?" you ask clearly having no interest in what he was saying

"the rumours are true he cheated"

"i don't want to be having this conversation with anyone let alone you"

"did you confront him?" Draco asks ignoring your wishes to stop the discussion

you rolled your eyes as much as you didn't want to be going into detail with him, you knew what he was like with spreading information.

"of course i bloody did!! i'm no pushover" you snap

"ok i won't ask any more questions" he said satisfied with the gossip he got out of you

"that works out quite well since i wasn't going to be listening to you anymore" you reply turning your gaze to the front of the room

"i think we're done here anyway. see you tomorrow y/l/n" he smirked getting up and leaving

Week 2;

you had survived the first week only just, it was either the two of you argued or he would just annoy you by being nosey and or cocky.

and so far this week, it was no different. sometimes you wonder if you chose one of the longest potions to make on purpose.

today unfortunately for you Malfoy was in a rotten mood.

he was snappy at every little thing you did which was really starting to get on your nerves but you didn't have time to give him the light of day.

but the real problem didn't arise until you accidentally knocked over your water bottle making him scoff which snapped your last straw

"oh my god what?" you snap

"i didn't say anything" he said rather rudely

"what the hell is your problem today?! just five minutes ago you snapped at me for literally no reason and now you're scoffing over a bottle" you exclaim

"you really think everything is about you?" he glared

"no but i'm the one you're taking it out on and i don't have time for your strops today" you say

"i don't have time for you but here we are" he snaps getting angry

you roll your eyes "here we go your third meltdown of the hour"

he stands up in annoyance and sends you a deathly look "do you want me to leave because i will, i've had enough of you and we've only been doing this for a week"

"i really couldn't care what you do" you say staring at him coldly

"god y/l/n you're so infuriating" he scoffs... again

you let out a sarcastic laugh "i'm infuriating?! oh give me a break Malfoy"

"yes! yes you are!!" he says raising his voice at you a little

you stand up also and glare at him "how the hell am i infuriating?! you're the one with the bad attitude and the 100 questions about stuff that has NOTHING to do with you!!"

"don't talk to me like that!" he spat coming up into your face

you crossed your arms against your chest and remained unbothered by his attempt to belittle you "if you think i'm scared of you in any way shape or form then you're solely mistaken"

he put his hands behind you on the wall and leaned into your ear "you should be terrified" he whispered his warm breath tickling your neck

you both stare at eachother for a moment before you place your hands on his chest and push him away from you "i'm not" you say and pick up your things before swiftly leaving leaving you a little shaken by what had just happened and him a little baffled

both of you confused as to why you both felt this certain tension. a tension neither of you expect to feel...


pt.2 coming soon😁 (i know i'm cruel ahdkslrek)

let me know what you thought!!

thank you for the votes and reads!!💓

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