Chapter 6 - Back to Hogwarts

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(A/N: This should have been done a few days earlier, but I needed to change things in the previous chapters. Here is a recap of the edits:

1. My mess up: Draco saw her without her glamour and recognized it (even though she never took it off) so I changed it to: Bellatrix tells Draco that Hesperia is her cousin, he leaves and Bellatrix tells Hesperia to keep her two identities separate.

2. My mess up: Hesperia just tells Voldemort that she wants to use Snape's room and have him bring her to the meetings. I was going to do that in the next chapter, but it wouldn't work. (And I needed a reason that Snape couldn't tell anyone of Hesperia's existence.) So I changed it to: After Hesperia tells him, they do an unbreakable vow.

Then I went back and reread everything and made a few minor changes but also one more big one:

3. My mess up: I had Hesperia use magic to put on her glamor and it would make more sense if she was using magic while Bellatrix was teaching her, and not just watching. So in CHAPTER FOUR, I added in a scene at the end about her receiving a necklace that will let her use underage magic and will go warm when there is a meeting. And deleted the part about it in Chapter Five.

I'm sorry for these mistakes, I often make them when writing stuff for school, but that gets turned in at once and I fix it when I edit. I'll do my best to not have these errors, but they are still likely to happen. Sorry for the long A/N)

Hesperia's POV.

I just finished packing up all the stuff I'll need for school, some dark magic and potion books, and my clothes. All I had on me was my daggers, my charmed necklace, and my wand with Senna on the other side of the room. I looked around the room, it made me feel sad knowing I would not stay here for a while. It was the only place where I could be who I was without consequences and where I could feel truly safe, the first time I have ever felt that.

I hissed to Senna, "Ready to go back to Hogwarts?"

She hissed back, "Yes." And started slithering out the room.

I levitated my trunk behind me and walked downstairs. When I got down, I saw Draco, Cissy, Lucius, and my mother and father. Draco's parents were fawning over him but I paid little attention.

When my mother saw me she walked over to me and held me in such a tight hug. I ignored the slight pain and knew that it was going to bruise.

She whispered so only I could hear, "Be careful. Keep up your mind shields at all times. Draco shouldn't know what you look like without your glamor as he does not know Occlumency. We will see you soon. Snape will get you. I will apparate over with you but will leave instantly. If people somehow learn, Snape will apparate you home immediately. We are leaving in five minutes."

I wasn't sure what to say so I just hugged her back. I knew it was hard for her; she just got me back and now she has to let me go back to the center of the other side.

We both let go a couple of seconds later when my father strode up behind us.

He hissed to me, "Watch over Potter and his group, report back anything that could be useful. Make sure to keep up your Occlumency shields at all times as they would try to kill you instantly if they knew I was your father. Snape will bring you back in a few weeks."

I nodded and hissed back, "Yes father."

Then he turned towards Draco and said, "You are not to speak of Hesperia's existence to anyone. She will look different and you will not know who she is."

Draco quickly replied, "Yes my lord."

My mother looked back towards me and said, "We are going now."

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